SQL to LINQ possible?


select ID as SBDID,(select top 1 T.ID from Transactions T where T.SBDID=S.ID order by id desc) as TransID
from SBD S where ID in(223,225)



class Sbd
    public int Id {get; set;}      // Primary key
class Transaction
    public int Id {get; set;}      // Primary key
    public int SbdId {get; set;}   // Foreign key to the Sbd that this transaction belongs to


每当您看到an object with all or some of its sub-objects的查询,例如School with its StudentsBank with his New York ClientsCustomer with his Orders等,请考虑使用GroupJoin

// GroupJoin Sbds and Transactions:
var result = dbContext.Sbds.GroupJoin(dbContext.Transactions, 
    sbd => sbd.Id,                     // from every Sbd, take the Id
    transaction => transaction.SbdId,  // from every Transaction take the SbdId
    // ResultSelector: take the Sbd with all its matching Transactions to make one new:
    (sbd, transactionsOfThisSbd) => new
        Id = sbd.Id,
        // You don't want all transactions of this Sbd, you want only the transaction
        // with the highest Id:
        Transaction = transactionsOfThisSbd
            .OrderByDescending(transaction => transaction.Id)


    var result = dbContext.Sbds.GroupJoin(dbContext.Transactions, 
    sbd => sbd.Id,
    transaction => transaction.SbdId,
    (sbd, transactionsOfThisSbd) => new
        Id = sbd.Id,
        Transaction = transactionsOfThisSbd
            .OrderByDescending(transaction => transaction.Id)


from s in context.SBD 
select new {
             id = s.id,
             tid = (from t in context.Transactions
                    where t.SBDID == s.id
                    select t).OrderByDescending().First().Id
