RP3上的康达问题:"Could not find some dependencies for <package>: blas * openblas"

将我的 RP3 更新到内核版本/版本4.14.52-v7+/#1123后,尝试使用conda(arm71、v3.16.0(安装或更新 pandas、numpy 等软件包会导致错误:

Error: Could not find some dependencies for <package>: blas * openblas



我的理解有两种方法。 我不是 100% 它解决了您的问题,所以任何反馈都很有趣。

(一些信息在这里找到:Raspberry Pi的Scientific Python(


sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-pandas python-h5py

我意识到这不是严格的 conda 用法,但它可以解决问题。

否则,您可以使用下面的命令(此处 exmaple 是用 scipy 给出的(。 请注意,您可能会遇到软件包或 python 版本之间的兼容性问题。 某些程序包可能不适用于 ARM

anaconda search -t conda scipy


Using binstar api site https://api.anaconda.org
Run 'anaconda show <USER/PACKAGE>' to get more details:
Name                      |  Version | Package Types   | Platforms      
------------------------- |   ------ | --------------- | ---------------
Alges/scipy               |   0.19.1 | conda           | linux-64, win-64
: Scientific Library for Python
BioBuilds/scipy           |    1.0.0 | conda           | linux-ppc64le  
... some lines removed ... here is a result with a grep on 'arm'
RaspberryPi/scipy         |   0.13.2 | conda           | linux-armv6l   
alorenzo175/scipy         |   0.18.0 | conda           | linux-armv7l   
compass/scipy             |   0.19.0 | conda           | linux-armv7l   
poppy-project/scipy       |   0.17.0 | conda           | linux-armv7l   
rpi/scipy                 |    1.0.0 | conda           | linux-armv6l, linux-armv7l


anaconda show rpi/scipy


Using binstar api site https://api.anaconda.org
Name:    scipy
Summary: Scientific Library for Python
Access:  public
Package Types:  conda
+ 0.18.1
+ 0.19.0
+ 0.19.1
+ 1.0.0
To install this package with conda run:
conda install --channel https://conda.anaconda.org/rpi scipy


conda install --channel https://conda.anaconda.org/rpi scipy
Fetching package metadata: ......
Solving package specifications: .
Error: Unsatisfiable package specifications.
Generating hint: 
[      COMPLETE      ]|#################################################################################################################################################################################################################| 100%

Hint: the following packages conflict with each other:
- scipy
- python 3.4*
Use 'conda info scipy' etc. to see the dependencies for each package.


conda info scipy
Fetching package metadata: ....
scipy 0.16.0 np19py34_1
file name   : scipy-0.16.0-np19py34_1.tar.bz2
name        : scipy
version     : 0.16.0
build number: 1
build string: np19py34_1
channel     : defaults
size        : 24.4 MB
date        : 2015-08-20
license     : BSD
md5         : a1f8618171817de092b818a3739ef95c
installed environments:
blas * openblas
numpy 1.9*
openblas 0.2.14
python 3.4*
scipy 0.16.0 np19py27_1
file name   : scipy-0.16.0-np19py27_1.tar.bz2
name        : scipy
version     : 0.16.0
build number: 1
build string: np19py27_1
channel     : defaults
size        : 25.1 MB
date        : 2015-08-20
license     : BSD
md5         : bc3882c6770d1dc7e3e5495266002d56
installed environments:
blas * openblas
numpy 1.9*
openblas 0.2.14
python 2.7*

