Math.floor() and parseFloat() clash?



<script type="text/javascript">     
        function updatePay() {
            // Grab all the value just incase they're needed.
            var current_price = <?php echo json_encode($current_price); ?>;
            var pm = $('#pm').val();
            var gg = pm/current_price;
            // Set the new input values.


我需要我的代码能够允许填充第二个小数位,如何在 Javascript 中做到这一点?



我想你想四舍五入并允许小数点后 2 位,

所以如果数字是 3546.699433
parseFloat(pm(*100 = 354669.9433

math.floor(354669.9433( = 354669

354669/100 = 3546.69

<script type="text/javascript">     
        function updatePay() {
            // Grab all the value just incase they're needed.
            var current_price = <?php echo json_encode($current_price); ?>;
            var pm = $('#pm').val();
            var gg = pm/current_price;
            // Set the new input values.

如果您想要在 keyup 上更新的内容,请尝试以下操作


   document.getElementById("num1").onkeyup = function(){
        var val = (Math.floor(parseFloat( document.getElementById("num1").value)*100)/100).toFixed(2);
            document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "pm will appear here";
        else if(val){
            document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = val;
        } else {
            document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "pm will appear here";



    <input type="button" id="myButton" value="click me"/>
    <span id="result"></span>
    <input type="text" id="num1" value="1.1111"></div>


function updatePay() {
    // Grab all the value just incase they're needed.
    var current_price = <?php echo json_encode($current_price); ?>;
    var pm = parseFloat($('#pm').val()); // Parse here
    var gg = pm/current_price;
    // Set the new input values.
    $('#pm').val(pm.toFixed(2));         // Round to two places and turn back into text
    $('#gg').val(gg.toFixed(2));         // " " " " " " " " "

旁注:您将此设置为gg元素上的keyup处理程序,但您始终会覆盖 gg 元素中的内容,而根本不使用 gg 中的值。如果我是用户,我会觉得这很烦人。
