iOS Objective-C:确定UIView的当前3D旋转

我正在尝试确定UIView的当前3D旋转。我知道获得 2D 旋转是:

CGFloat radians = atan2f(view.transform.b, view.transform.a); 

不确定如何获取当前的 3D 旋转。我希望能够自动反转动画并保留其起点。对象的旋转可能受到用户输入的先前旋转的影响,因此我无法假设其起始值。我将最后一个用户定义的角度存储在对象的属性上,我认为这在实践中很好,但我很想知道如何获取信息。我对此做了很多研究,但找不到答案。

在一般情况下,4x4 矩阵可能包含透视、(非均匀)缩放、(非均匀)剪切、旋转(围绕可能未对齐轴的矢量)和平移。 如果要在一般情况下提取旋转,则需要将矩阵分解为这些"简单"转换中的每一个的分量。

图形宝石 II §VII.1 描述了一种算法。附录 II 提供了该算法的代码。代码可以在这里在线找到。头文件在这里。您还需要一些支持文件,例如"C 实用程序",因此也请查看此链接。


/* unmatrix.c - given a 4x4 matrix, decompose it into standard operations.
 * Author:  Spencer W. Thomas
 *      University of Michigan
#include <math.h>
#include "GraphicsGems.h"
#include "unmatrix.h"
/* unmatrix - Decompose a non-degenerate 4x4 transformation matrix into
 *  the sequence of transformations that produced it.
 * [Sx][Sy][Sz][Shearx/y][Sx/z][Sz/y][Rx][Ry][Rz][Tx][Ty][Tz][P(x,y,z,w)]
 * The coefficient of each transformation is returned in the corresponding
 * element of the vector tran.
 * Returns 1 upon success, 0 if the matrix is singular.
unmatrix( mat, tran )
Matrix4 *mat;
double tran[16];
    register int i, j;
    Matrix4 locmat;
    Matrix4 pmat, invpmat, tinvpmat;
    /* Vector4 type and functions need to be added to the common set. */
    Vector4 prhs, psol;
    Point3 row[3], pdum3;
    locmat = *mat;
    /* Normalize the matrix. */
    if ( locmat.element[3][3] == 0 )
        return 0;
    for ( i=0; i<4;i++ )
        for ( j=0; j<4; j++ )
            locmat.element[i][j] /= locmat.element[3][3];
    /* pmat is used to solve for perspective, but it also provides
     * an easy way to test for singularity of the upper 3x3 component.
    pmat = locmat;
    for ( i=0; i<3; i++ )
        pmat.element[i][3] = 0;
    pmat.element[3][3] = 1;
    if ( det4x4(&pmat) == 0.0 )
        return 0;
    /* First, isolate perspective.  This is the messiest. */
    if ( locmat.element[0][3] != 0 || locmat.element[1][3] != 0 ||
        locmat.element[2][3] != 0 ) {
        /* prhs is the right hand side of the equation. */
        prhs.x = locmat.element[0][3];
        prhs.y = locmat.element[1][3];
        prhs.z = locmat.element[2][3];
        prhs.w = locmat.element[3][3];
        /* Solve the equation by inverting pmat and multiplying
         * prhs by the inverse.  (This is the easiest way, not
         * necessarily the best.)
         * inverse function (and det4x4, above) from the Matrix
         * Inversion gem in the first volume.
        inverse( &pmat, &invpmat );
        TransposeMatrix4( &invpmat, &tinvpmat );
        V4MulPointByMatrix(&prhs, &tinvpmat, &psol);
        /* Stuff the answer away. */
        tran[U_PERSPX] = psol.x;
        tran[U_PERSPY] = psol.y;
        tran[U_PERSPZ] = psol.z;
        tran[U_PERSPW] = psol.w;
        /* Clear the perspective partition. */
        locmat.element[0][3] = locmat.element[1][3] =
            locmat.element[2][3] = 0;
        locmat.element[3][3] = 1;
    } else      /* No perspective. */
        tran[U_PERSPX] = tran[U_PERSPY] = tran[U_PERSPZ] =
            tran[U_PERSPW] = 0;
    /* Next take care of translation (easy). */
    for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
        tran[U_TRANSX + i] = locmat.element[3][i];
        locmat.element[3][i] = 0;
    /* Now get scale and shear. */
    for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) {
        row[i].x = locmat.element[i][0];
        row[i].y = locmat.element[i][1];
        row[i].z = locmat.element[i][2];
    /* Compute X scale factor and normalize first row. */
    tran[U_SCALEX] = V3Length(&row[0]);
    row[0] = *V3Scale(&row[0], 1.0);
    /* Compute XY shear factor and make 2nd row orthogonal to 1st. */
    tran[U_SHEARXY] = V3Dot(&row[0], &row[1]);
    (void)V3Combine(&row[1], &row[0], &row[1], 1.0, -tran[U_SHEARXY]);
    /* Now, compute Y scale and normalize 2nd row. */
    tran[U_SCALEY] = V3Length(&row[1]);
    V3Scale(&row[1], 1.0);
    tran[U_SHEARXY] /= tran[U_SCALEY];
    /* Compute XZ and YZ shears, orthogonalize 3rd row. */
    tran[U_SHEARXZ] = V3Dot(&row[0], &row[2]);
    (void)V3Combine(&row[2], &row[0], &row[2], 1.0, -tran[U_SHEARXZ]);
    tran[U_SHEARYZ] = V3Dot(&row[1], &row[2]);
    (void)V3Combine(&row[2], &row[1], &row[2], 1.0, -tran[U_SHEARYZ]);
    /* Next, get Z scale and normalize 3rd row. */
    tran[U_SCALEZ] = V3Length(&row[2]);
    V3Scale(&row[2], 1.0);
    tran[U_SHEARXZ] /= tran[U_SCALEZ];
    tran[U_SHEARYZ] /= tran[U_SCALEZ];
    /* At this point, the matrix (in rows[]) is orthonormal.
     * Check for a coordinate system flip.  If the determinant
     * is -1, then negate the matrix and the scaling factors.
    if ( V3Dot( &row[0], V3Cross( &row[1], &row[2], &pdum3) ) < 0 )
        for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
            tran[U_SCALEX+i] *= -1;
            row[i].x *= -1;
            row[i].y *= -1;
            row[i].z *= -1;
    /* Now, get the rotations out, as described in the gem. */
    tran[U_ROTATEY] = asin(-row[0].z);
    if ( cos(tran[U_ROTATEY]) != 0 ) {
        tran[U_ROTATEX] = atan2(row[1].z, row[2].z);
        tran[U_ROTATEZ] = atan2(row[0].y, row[0].x);
    } else {
        tran[U_ROTATEX] = atan2(-row[2].x, row[1].y);
        tran[U_ROTATEZ] = 0;
    /* All done! */
    return 1;

/* transpose rotation portion of matrix a, return b */
Matrix4 *TransposeMatrix4(a, b)
Matrix4 *a, *b;
int i, j;
    for (i=0; i<4; i++)
        for (j=0; j<4; j++)
            b->element[i][j] = a->element[j][i];
/* multiply a hom. point by a matrix and return the transformed point */
Vector4 *V4MulPointByMatrix(pin, m, pout)
Vector4 *pin, *pout;
Matrix4 *m;
    pout->x = (pin->x * m->element[0][0]) + (pin->y * m->element[1][0]) +
        (pin->z * m->element[2][0]) + (pin->w * m->element[3][0]);
    pout->y = (pin->x * m->element[0][1]) + (pin->y * m->element[1][1]) +
        (pin->z * m->element[2][1]) + (pin->w * m->element[3][1]);
    pout->z = (pin->x * m->element[0][2]) + (pin->y * m->element[1][2]) +
        (pin->z * m->element[2][2]) + (pin->w * m->element[3][2]);
    pout->w = (pin->x * m->element[0][3]) + (pin->y * m->element[1][3]) +
        (pin->z * m->element[2][3]) + (pin->w * m->element[3][3]);

图形宝石代码生成欧拉角。有时,您需要为 3D 旋转使用不同的表示形式。特别是,四元数通常更方便。您可以在TransformationMatrix.cppdecompose函数中找到此分解的WebCore实现。它产生一个用于旋转的四元数。
