Sub check_value()
If Cells(8, 23).Value < Cells(8, 24).Value Then
Cells(8, 23).Value = Cells(8, 24).Value
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim LastRow As Long, Row As Long, Target As Long, Score As Long, LastColumn As Long, Column As Long
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
LastColumn = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For Column = 2 To LastColumn
For Row = 2 To LastRow Step 2
Target = .Cells(Row, Column).Value
Score = .Cells(Row + 1, Column).Value
If Score > Target Then
.Cells(Row, Column).Value = Score
End If
Next Row
Next Column
End With
End Sub
F2 和 F3 有一个目标<分数的场景,因此我们可以比较值(类似于你得到的值)>
if cells(2,6).value < cells(3,6) then cells(2,6).value = cells(3,6).value
我对测试代码的唯一更正是使用行而不是列进行比较,这似乎是评估每个技能的方式(例如,技能 5 的目标为 5 (F2),而分数为 7 (F3))。
请注意,您可以通过查找最后一列 (lc) 和最后一行 (lr) 来使用循环来遍历整个数据集,这样:
For j = 2 to lc 'columns
for i = 2 to lr step 2 'rows with a step of 2 so you can do sets of score/target
'do stuff
next i
next j