

val zipped = List(1 -> "A", 3 -> "C", 8 -> "D")


case class Indexed[T](seq: Seq[T], i: Seq[Int])
val unzipped = Indexed(List("A", "C", "D"), List(1,3,8))

但是我需要用户被限制,只做map, filter, collect, contains, forall, scanLeft等。但不是flatMap(除了filter类),sort, ++等等。所以任何双射/射,但不是类注射。在必要时,用户可以没有filter/flatMap,所以有Functor,但没有Monad对我来说可能很好-无论如何,从我最初的需求中可以接受的List[Option[T]] => List[T]不是完整的Monad (M[M[T]] => M[T], T => M[T])。

toList, toSet是可以接受的,但我也想确保(从业务处理程序)返回的集合是基于原始集合的。我可以通过将路径依赖的Tag(路径依赖类型)添加到原始集合的类型签名中来实现这一点,并要求相同标记的集合作为返回类型(只能使用asInstanceOf欺骗)。我的第一个要求可以通过实现我自己的Traversable来满足。


 trait NonReorderedListT {
     trait Tag
 trait NonReorderedList[Tg <: NonReorderedListT#Tag, T] {
   type Tag = Tg 
   def map[U](f: T => U): NonReorderedList[Tag, U] //same tag
   //... other permitted operations should be here        

 object NonReorderedList {
   class NonReorderedListImpl[Tg <: NonReorderedListT#Tag, T] private[NonReorderedList] (l: List[T]) extends NonReorderedList[Tg, T] { 
      def map[U](f: T => U) = new NonReorderedListImpl[Tag, U](l.map(f))
      //... other permitted operations should be here  

   def apply[T](l: List[T]) = {
     val tagC = new NonReorderedListT {} //container
     new NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag, T](l)

下面是Scala REPL的结果:

defined trait NonReorderedListT
defined trait NonReorderedList
defined class NonReorderedListImpl
defined object NonReorderedList
scala>  val l = NonReorderedList(List(1,2,3))
warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
l: NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag,Int] forSome { val tagC: NonReorderedListT } = NonReorderedListImpl@3620eab
scala> val res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag, Int] = l.map(_ + 1)
res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag,Int] = NonReorderedListImpl@34bddf43
scala>  val m = NonReorderedList(List(1,2,3))
warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
m: NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag,Int] forSome { val tagC: NonReorderedListT } = NonReorderedListImpl@2d8c729f
scala> val res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag, Int] = m.map(_ + 1)
<console>:31: error: type mismatch;
 found   : NonReorderedListImpl[m.Tag,Int]
    (which expands to)  NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag,Int]
 required: NonReorderedList[l.Tag,Int]
    (which expands to)  NonReorderedList[tagC.Tag,Int]
       val res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag, Int] = m.map(_ + 1)


我这样做是因为我有一个已经排序的集合(1 ->"A",2 -"B",3 ->"C",4 ->"D",5 ->"E")作为输入,它分成(1 ->"A",3 ->"C",4 ->"D")和(2 ->"B",5 ->"E"),它们分别处理,然后合并回来(原始顺序应该保留)。使用复杂谓词排序需要一些时间(因为它调用外部服务),所以我不能用它对集合重新排序两次——第二次重新排序应该基于简单索引。



import shapeless._
import Nat._
case class Entry[+N<:Nat](value: String, index: N)
val send: Entry[ _1] :: Entry[ _3] :: Entry[ _4] :: HNil= Entry("A", _1):: Entry("C", _3) :: Entry("D", _4) :: HNil
val keep= Entry("B", _2) :: Entry("E", _5)  :: HNil

