

当您启用vLine UI小部件,特别是uiVideoPanel小部件时,会出现画中画(PIP)模式。请注意,"ui": true启用所有小部件,包括uiVideoPanel小部件。

如果要以自定义方式布置视频流,可以禁用uiVideoPanel小部件并处理mediaSession:addLocalStreammediaSession:addRemoteStream事件,在其中可以使用stream.createMediaElement()创建HTML <video>元素。您可以将生成的<video>元素放在任意div中,并使用CSS调整布局。

以下片段是从vline shell示例中提取的:

// $client is the vline.Client that you created with vline.Client.create()
$client.on('add:mediaSession', onAddMediaSession, self);
// callback on new MediaSessions
function addMediaSession_(mediaSession) {
  // add event handler for add stream events
  mediaSession.on('mediaSession:addLocalStream mediaSession:addRemoteStream', function(event) {
    // get the vline.MediaStream
    var stream = event.stream;
    // guard against adding a local video stream twice if it is attached to two media sessions
    if ($('#' + stream.getId()).length) {
    // create video or audio element, giving it the the same id as the MediaStream
    var elem = $(event.stream.createMediaElement());
    elem.prop('id', stream.getId());
    // video-wrapper is the id of a div in the page
  // add event handler for remove stream events
  mediaSession.on('mediaSession:removeLocalStream mediaSession:removeRemoteStream', function(event) {
    $('#' + event.stream.getId()).remove();
