
我目前有两个标志。一个是CCD_ 1,另一个是CCD_。默认情况下,这两种情况都是真的,如果客户在呼叫我们的应用程序时想要更改,他们可以更改它们。所以可能发生的组合是-

remoteFlag       secondaryFlag
true             true
true             false
false            false
false            true


我应该给我们的服务器打一个HTTP呼叫(所有的服务器都是Ubunseu机器)。假设以下是我的服务器,其完全限定主机名对应于unix中的hostname -f

String hostname1 = hostname1;
String hostname2 = hostname2;
String hostname3 = hostname3;
String hostname4 = hostname4;


  1. 假设remoteFlagsecondaryFlag都是true,则I我应该一个接一个地访问以上所有服务器,直到我们得到从服务器返回响应。意思是假设hostname1坏了所以我们不会从服务器得到任何响应,它会抛出异常,因此我们将转到hostname2以获取相同的数据,但假设hostname2也关闭,那么我们将继续remoteFlag0来获取数据,但是如果假定hostname3也是则我们将转到CCD_ 12以获取数据。但如果服务器能够返回响应,然后我们将返回通过做出适当的回应,说我们已经得到了数据。如果没有一个服务器能够返回响应,那么我们将做出错误响应,表示所有服务器都已关闭
  2. 现在,如果remoteFlagtrue,而secondaryFlagfalse,那么我们将仅转到CCD_ 17和CCD_。如果hostname1为向下,则我们将转到secondaryFlag0以获取响应。如果两者它们关闭了,那么我们将做出一个ERROR响应,说服务器下降
  3. 现在,如果remoteFlagfalse并且secondaryFlagfalse,那么我们只会去hostname1,仅此而已。如果CCD_ 26下降,那么我们将做出ERROR响应,表示服务器已关闭
  4. 现在,如果remoteFlagfalse并且secondaryFlagtrue,那么我们只会去hostname1hostname2,仅此而已。如果hostname1关闭,然后我们将转到hostname2获取回答如果它们都坏了,那么我们将产生一个错误响应称服务器已关闭




public class ClientTask implements Callable<ClientResponse> {
public ClientTask(ClientKey clientKeys) {
this.clientKeys = clientKeys;
public ClientResponse call() throws Exception {
boolean remoteFlag = clientKeys.isRemoteFlag();
boolean secondaryFlag = clientKeys.isSecondaryFlag();
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String response = null;
String hostname1 = hostname1;
String hostname2 = hostname2;
String hostname3 = hostname3;
String hostname4 = hostname4;
// first use case when both are true
if(remoteFlag && secondaryFlag) {
if(hostname1 != null) {
try {
String url = generateURL(hostname1);            
response = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);
return new ClientResponse(response, ClientError.NONE, ClientStatus.SUCCESS);
} catch(Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace(); // use logger
// hostname1 is down
if(response == null && hostname2 != null) {
try {
String url = generateURL(hostname2);            
response = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);
return new ClientResponse(response, ClientError.NONE, ClientStatus.SUCCESS);
} catch(Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace(); // use logger
// hostname1 and 2 both are down
if(response == null && hostname3 != null) {
try {
String url = generateURL(hostname3);            
response = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);
return new ClientResponse(response, ClientError.NONE, ClientStatus.SUCCESS);
} catch(Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace(); // use logger
// hostname1, 2, 3 are down
if(response == null && hostname4 != null) {
try {
String url = generateURL(hostname4);            
response = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);
return new ClientResponse(response, ClientError.NONE, ClientStatus.SUCCESS);
} catch(Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace(); // use logger
// not sure how to add other use case logic here as well properly
* Method to generate the url to hit the servers. 
private String generateURL(final String hostname) {
StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();
url.append("http://" + hostname + ":8080/user?userId=" + clientKeys.getUserId() + "&page_id=" + clientKeys.getPageId());
Set<Entry<String, String>> params = clientKeys.getAttributeMap().entrySet();
for(Entry<String, String> e : params){
url.append("&" + e.getKey());
url.append("=" + e.getValue());
return url.toString();





List<String> hostnames = new ArrayList<>();
if(remoteFlag && secondaryFlag) {
} else if …
for (String hostname : hostnames) {
if(hostname == null) {
try {
String url = generateURL(hostname1);            
response = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);
} catch(Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace(); // use logger
if (response == null) {
// do error handling
return new ClientResponse(response, ClientError.NONE, ClientStatus.SUCCESS);


public class FallbackCall() {
private String hostname;
private String secondaryHostname;
private FallbackQuery next;
public ClientResponse call(boolean remote, boolean secondary) {
ClientResponse response = getResponse(hostname);
if (response == null && secondary) {
reponse = getResponse(secondaryHostname);
if (response == null && remote) {
reponse = next.call(remote, secondary);
return response;
private ClientResponse getResponse(String hostname) {
// your boiler plate


// I don't recognize your library...
public ClientResponse call(String hostname) throws Exception {
if (hostname == null) {
return null;
// You might also make generateURL static 
String url = generateURL(hostname);
String response = restTemplate.getForObject(url,
if (response == null) { // add more logic here to test your response.
return null;
return new ClientResponse(response,
ClientError.NONE, ClientStatus.SUCCESS);


// String hostname1 = hostname1;
// String hostname2 = hostname2;
// String hostname3 = hostname3;
// String hostname4 = hostname4;
if(remoteFlag && secondaryFlag) {
ClientResponse response = call(hostname1);
// != null is one test. However you test the response is valid.
if (response != null) return response;
response = call(hostname2);
if (response != null) return response;
response = call(hostname3);
if (response != null) return response;
return call(hostname4);
