

我的一个传感器每 10 秒记录一个数据点,我想将此 dt 增加到 1 小时。为此,我编写了一些非常简单(低效(的代码(见下文(,这些代码确实有效,但需要 10-40 分钟来处理 1 周的数据,这远非理想。

我已经看到了使用数组的半相似问题的建议,但是我对此的经验为 0,不知道它是否适用于此目标。

Do While Cells(row + 1, 2).Value <> ""
If Cells(row + 1, 2).Value - Cells(row, 2).Value < 1 / 24.05 Then
Rows(row + 1).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
row = row + 1
End If


我用 @Damian 代码的略微编辑版本解决了我的问题,如下所示。

Sub Change_dt()
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Dim target As Single
target = Sheets("Controller").Cells(16, 9).Value
Dim arrSource As Variant
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Raw data")
arrSource = .UsedRange.Value 'this will input the whole used sheet inside the array
Dim finalArr As Variant
ReDim finalArr(1 To UBound(arrSource), 1 To UBound(arrSource, 2))
.Cells.Delete 'will clean the worksheet
Dim i As Long, x As Long, j As Long, Z As Long
x = 1
Z = 1
For i = 1 To UBound(arrSource)
On Error Resume Next
If arrSource(i + Z, 1) = vbNullString Or i = UBound(arrSource) Then Exit For 'will end  the loop once the next row is empty
On Error GoTo 0
'If the next row substracted the first is greater than target both will be copied to the final array
If arrSource(i + Z, 1) - arrSource(i, 1) > target Then
For j = 1 To UBound(arrSource, 2)
finalArr(x, j) = arrSource(i, j)
finalArr(x + 1, j) = arrSource(i + Z, j)
Next j
x = x + 2 'increment 2 on x because you wrote 2 lines
i = i + Z
Z = 1
Z = Z + 1
End If
Next i
'paste the resulting array back to the sheet
.Range("A1", .Cells(UBound(finalArr), UBound(finalArr, 2))).Value = finalArr
'eliminate the extra unused rows
i = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1
.Rows(i & ":" & .Rows.Count).Delete
End With
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub


Sub Change_dt()
Dim target As Single
target = Sheets("Controller").Cells(16, 9).Value
Dim arrSource As Variant
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Raw data")
arrSource = .UsedRange.Value 'this will input the whole used sheet inside the array
Dim finalArr As Variant
ReDim finalArr(1 To UBound(arrSource), 1 To UBound(arrSource, 2))
.Cells.Delete 'will clean the worksheet
Dim i As Long, x As Long, j As Long
x = 1
For i = 5 To UBound(arrSource)
On Error Resume Next
If arrSource(i + 1, 2) = vbNullString Or i = UBound(arrSource) Then Exit For 'will end  the loop once the next row is empty
On Error GoTo 0
'If the next row substracted the first is greater than 1/24.05 both will be copied to the final array
If Not arrSource(i + 1, 2) - arrSource(i, 2) < target Then
For j = 1 To UBound(arrSource, 2)
finalArr(x, j) = arrSource(i, j)
finalArr(x + 1, j) = arrSource(i + 1, j)
Next j
x = x + 2 'increment 2 on x because you wrote 2 lines
End If
Next i
'paste the resulting array back to the sheet
.Range("A1", .Cells(UBound(finalArr), UBound(finalArr, 2))).Value = finalArr
'eliminate the extra unused rows
i = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row + 1
.Rows(i & ":" & .Rows.Count).Delete
End With
End Sub
