r语言 - 如何找到在给定行中保存最小值的列

我在 R 中有数据帧 df:

method A   3
method B   6
method C   2
method D   8
method E   1



df <- data.frame(method = letters[1:5], accuracy = c(2,6,2,8,1),
                 stringsAsFactors = F)
> df
  method accuracy
1      a        2
2      b        6
3      c        2
4      d        8
5      e        1
# method 1, get the row index of the max value for a column
> which.max(df$accuracy)
[1] 4
# method 2, return the entire row where the column accuracy
# has a maximal value
df %>% 
  filter(accuracy == max(accuracy))
  method accuracy
1      d        8
