
type Order struct {
Status int
type Res struct {
ResID            int64
OtaBookID        string
StayDetail       []*ResElement
TotalCharge      float64
CustFName        string
CustLName        string
CreateTime       time.Time
type ResElement struct {
Res        *Res
OtaEleID   string
OtaRoomID  string
RoomID     int
Arrival    time.Time
Depart     time.Time
Charge     float64
CreateTime time.Time


func main() {
var orderList []*Order
res := new(Res)
res.OtaBookID = "A123"
resElt := new(ResElement)
resElt.Res = res
res.StayDetail = append(res.StayDetail, resElt)
order := new(Order)
order.Res = res
orderList = append(orderList, order)
originalOrder := new(Order)
originalOrder.Res = new(Res)
*originalOrder.Res = *order.Res
//originalOrder.Res.StayDetail[0].Res.OtaBookID = "B123" //this will make all become "B123"
originalOrder.Res.OtaBookID = "B123"
orderList = append(orderList, originalOrder)
fmt.Println(orderList[0].Res.OtaBookID)  //A123
fmt.Println(orderList[1].Res.OtaBookID)  //B123
fmt.Println(orderList[0].Res.StayDetail[0].Res.OtaBookID)  //A123
fmt.Println(orderList[1].Res.StayDetail[0].Res.OtaBookID)  //A123, i want this become B123




type Order struct {
Status int
type Res struct {
ResID            int64
OtaBookID        string
StayDetail       []*ResElement
TotalCharge      float64
CustFName        string
CustLName        string
CreateTime       time.Time
type ResElement struct {
Res        *Res
OtaEleID   string
OtaRoomID  string
RoomID     int
Arrival    time.Time
Depart     time.Time
Charge     float64
CreateTime time.Time
func main() {
var orderList []*Order
res := new(Res)
res.OtaBookID = "A123"
resElt := new(ResElement)
resElt.Res = res
res.StayDetail = append(res.StayDetail, resElt)
order := new(Order)
order.Res = res
orderList = append(orderList, order)
originalOrder := new(Order)
originalOrder.Res = new(Res)
// The following statement will copy the values in the memory space of order to the memory
// space of originalOrder, but take note that a pointer contains a memory address. Thus,
// following this statement originalOrder.Res.StayDetail will point to the same address
// as order.Res.StayDetail as slices are pointers...
*originalOrder.Res = *order.Res
// We now have to manually copy the slice to ensure it is different from the one in order.
// We must create a new slice to avoid overwriting the source.
originalOrder.Res.StayDetail := make([]*ResElement, len(order.Res.StayDetail))
// Further, this slice contains pointers so we must copy these as well to ensure they do not
// point to the ResElements of order.
for i, v := range order.Res.StayDetail {
re := new(ResElement)
// copy the values of the memory in v to the values in the memory of re
*re = *v
// set re.Res to point to originalOrder.Res as it currently point to order.Res
re.Res = originalOrder.Res
// Now we must place re in the slice of originalOrder as it currently points to an
// empty array of the correct size. Thus, we will not use append (which will grow
// the size), we will just set the index to the correct value. Thus:
originalOrder.StayDetail[i] = re
// The pointers and structures have now been properly set up, thus the following are equivalent:
// originalOrder.OtaBookID = "B123" - Res via embedding
// originalOrder.Res.OtaBookID = "B123" - Res directly
// originalOrder.Res.StayDetail[0].Res.OtaBookID = "B123" - Res via ResElement pointer Res
// They all point to the exact same memory space
originalOrder.Res.OtaBookID = "B123"
orderList = append(orderList, originalOrder)
fmt.Println(orderList[0].Res.OtaBookID)  //A123
fmt.Println(orderList[1].Res.OtaBookID)  //B123
fmt.Println(orderList[0].Res.StayDetail[0].Res.OtaBookID)  //A123
fmt.Println(orderList[1].Res.StayDetail[0].Res.OtaBookID)  //B123

