用于自定义 POJO 的番石榴缓存

我正在尝试让番石榴缓存为我的应用程序工作。 具体来说,我基本上是在寻找一个行为类似于地图的缓存:

// Here the keys are the User.getId() and the values are the respective User.
Map<Long, User> userCache = new HashMap<Long, User>();


// My POJO.
public class User {
    Long id;
    String name;
    // Lots of other properties.
public class UserCache {
    LoadingCache _cache;
    UserCacheLoader loader;
    UserCacheRemovalListener listener;
    UserCache() {
        this._cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            .expireAfterAccess(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    User load(Long id) {
class UserCacheLoader extends CacheLoader {
    public Object load(Object key) throws Exception {
        // ???
        return null;
class UserCacheRemovalListener implements RemovalListener<String, String>{
    public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<String, String> notification) {
        System.out.println("User with ID of " + notification.getKey() + " was removed from the cache.");



class UserCacheLoader extends CacheLoader<Long, User> {
    public User load(Long key) throws Exception {
        // ???

store(User)可以使用 Cache.put 实现,就像您所期望的那样。


您不仅可以(并且应该!)将 CacheLoader 的覆盖加载方法的返回类型指定为 User,还可以将 onRemove 方法参数指定为:

class UserCacheRemovalListener implements RemovalListener<String, String>{
public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<Long, User> notification) {
   // ...

