
我是 Swift 的新手,但我对编码并不陌生。我想我会尝试制作一个小游戏。这是我在学习时喜欢做的事情。


internal func initializeObjectTemplates(){
    objectTemplates.append(GameObject(passed_x: 0,
        passed_y: 0,
        passed_max: 25,
        passed_min: 25,
        passed_points: 100,
        passed_img: "BeerGlass1",
        passedLengthOfTimeOnScreen: 5,
        passedBottomChance: 1,
        passedTopChance: 50,
        passedId: 0))
    objectTemplates.append(GameObject(passed_x: 0,
        passed_y: 0,
        passed_max: 25,
        passed_min: 25,
        passed_points: 300,
        passed_img: "BeerGlass2",
        passedLengthOfTimeOnScreen: 2,
        passedBottomChance: 51,
        passedTopChance: 100,
        passedId: 0))




internal var step = 0
internal var objects = [GameObject]()
@IBOutlet weak var points: UILabel!
internal var objectTemplates = [GameObject]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    view.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor()
    let timer = NSTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selector(ViewController.update), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
    NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().addTimer(timer, forMode: NSRunLoopCommonModes)
    //var i = 1
    //while i <= 100{
    //    update()
    //    i += 1

更新 Func - 注释掉/硬编码的附加有效,但显然不是我想要的

internal func update(){
    step += 1
    objects.append(populateObjectTemplate(selectObjectTemplate(), step: step))
    //objects.append(GameObject(passed_x: 0,
    //    passed_y: 0,
    //    passed_max: 25,
    //    passed_min: 25,
    //    passed_points: 300,
    //    passed_img: "BeerGlass2",
    //    passedLengthOfTimeOnScreen: 2,
    //    passedBottomChance: 51,
    //    passedTopChance: 100,
    //    passedId: step))
    print("There are (objects.count) items and the first item has an id of (objects[0].id)")



func selectObjectTemplate() -> GameObject {
    let rand = Random.within(1...100)
    return objectTemplates.filter(){
        let isAbove = $0.bottomChance <= rand
        let isBelow = $0.topChance >= rand
        return isAbove && isBelow


func populateObjectTemplate(obj: GameObject, step: Int) -> GameObject {
    let widthBoundary = Float(self.view.frame.width - 20)
    let heightBoundary = Float(self.view.frame.height - 20)
    let placex = CGFloat(Random.within(20.0...widthBoundary))
    obj.x = placex
    let placey = CGFloat(Random.within(50.0...heightBoundary))
    obj.y = placey
    obj.expiration = obj.lengthOfTimeOnScreen + step
    obj.id = step
    obj.button = populateObjectButton(obj)
    return obj


func populateObjectButton(obj: GameObject) -> UIButton {
    let button = UIButton(type: UIButtonType.Custom)
    let image = UIImage(named: obj.img)
    button.setBackgroundImage(image, forState: UIControlState.Normal)
    button.frame = CGRectMake(obj.x, obj.y, obj.minSize, obj.minSize)
    button.layer.cornerRadius = 0.5 * button.bounds.size.width
    button.layer.masksToBounds = true
    button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.objectTapped(_:)), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
    button.tag = obj.id
    return button

很抱歉这么长的帖子。我只是想包含尽可能多的信息。我通常不会在这样的地方发帖,因为我尽可能努力地自己找到解决方案。swift 文件也在 Git 上。


您的objectTemplates数组存储对在 initializeObjectTemplates 中创建的两个GameObject实例的引用。 当计时器触发时,您可以选择这些"模板"对象之一,对其进行修改并将其添加到数组中。 但是,数组仅存储对添加到其中的对象的引用,并且您只有两个对象,即使您将这些对象多次添加到数组中也是如此。

调用 populateObjectTemplate 时,将修改两个对象模板之一,这意味着数组中引用该特定模板的所有其他条目都将反映这些修改。 您需要populateObjectTemplate才能使用模板中的信息返回新GameObject;

func populateObjectTemplate(obj: GameObject, step: Int) -> GameObject {
    let newGameObject=GameObject(passed_x: 0,
    passed_y: obj.passed_y,
    passed_max: obj.passed_max,
    passed_min: obj.passed_min,
    passed_points: obj.passed_points,
    passed_img: obj.passed_img,
    passedLengthOfTimeOnScreen: obj.passedLengthOfTimeOnScreen,
    passedBottomChance: obj.passedBottomChance,
    passedTopChance: obj.passedTopChance,
    passedId: obj.passedId)
    let widthBoundary = Float(self.view.frame.width - 20)
    let heightBoundary = Float(self.view.frame.height - 20)
    let placex = CGFloat(Random.within(20.0...widthBoundary))
    newGameObject.x = placex
    let placey = CGFloat(Random.within(50.0...heightBoundary))
    newGameObject.y = placey
    newGameObject.expiration = obj.lengthOfTimeOnScreen + step
    newGameObject.id = step
    newGameObject.button = populateObjectButton(obj)
    return newGameObject
