我的托管标识如何支持 Azure 函数访问共享点?

我有一个由托管标识支持的 Azure 函数。

在同一AD上,有Office 365,其中包含一个名为"demonews"的SharePoint网站。

如何向组"demonews"添加权限/添加托管标识,以便它可以访问SharePoint API?

我尝试在 SharePoint 网站上添加成员,我尝试在 AD 组上添加成员。下拉列表找不到托管标识。



实质上,你将获得适用于Office 365 SharePoint的Azure服务主体以及角色。

#Get the sharePoint principal $sharePoint = (Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString “Office 365 SharePoint”).ObjectId

#Get the Roles for that principal $appRoles = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString “Office 365 SharePoint” | %{$_.AppRoles}

#Find the specific role $appRole = AppRoles.Where({ $_.Value -eq "Sites.Manage.All" }

#You will also need to get the service principal for your function app

#Get the function app object id $myfunctionapp = (Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString “myfunctionapp”).ObjectId

#assign the role to the MSI for the sharepoint resource New-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $myfunctionapp -PrincipalId $myfunctionapp -ResourceId $sharePoint -Id $appRole

然后,可以使用本地 MSI 终结点和机密来获取令牌。
