

import random

def orcName():
    # This is where the program will ask for male or female input from user.
    sex = input("What's your sex? ")

    # If user chooses Male the program will execute.
    if sex == 'Male':
        # This is where the list of male first names are stored.
        firstNameMale = ['Ughash', 'Spoguk', 'Truigig', 'Wudhagh', 'Wumkbanok', 'Hogug', 'Karrhig', 'Pargu',
                             'Xokuk', 'Furbog']
        # This is where the list of male last names are stored.
        lastNameMale = ['Opkagut', 'Zombilge', 'Grushnag', 'Gujarek', 'Igmut', 'Gorgo', 'Filge', 'XorokuShamob',
        # This is where the random function calls on the lists to assemble the name.
        firstName = random.choice(firstNameMale)
        lastName = random.choice(lastNameMale)
        print('Your name is', firstName, lastName)
    # If user chooses Female the program will execute.
    elif sex == "Female":
            # This is where the list of female first names are stored.
        firstNameFemale = ['Ughash', 'Spoguk', 'Truigig', 'Wudhagh', 'Wumkbanok', 'Hogug', 'Karrhig', 'Pargu',
        # This is where the list of female last names are stored.
        lastNameFemale = ['Opkagut', 'Zombilge', 'Grushnag', 'Gujarek', 'Igmut', 'Gorgo', 'Filge', 'XorokuShamob',
        # This is where the random function calls on the lists to assemble the name.
        firstName = random.choice(firstNameFemale)
        lastName = random.choice(lastNameFemale)
        print('Your name is', firstName, lastName)
    # If user did not choose Male of Female program will execute.
        print('Please choose from Male or Female.  Remember capitalization counts!')

如果使用Python 2,则必须使用raw_input


import random
if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Hello, world")
    while 1:
        sex = raw_input("What's your sex? ")
        # If user chooses Male the program will execute.
        if sex == 'Male':
            # This is where the list of male first names are stored.
            firstNameMale = ['Ughash', 'Spoguk', 'Truigig', 'Wudhagh', 'Wumkbanok', 'Hogug', 'Karrhig', 'Pargu',
                             'Xokuk', 'Furbog']
            # This is where the list of male last names are stored.
            lastNameMale = ['Opkagut', 'Zombilge', 'Grushnag', 'Gujarek', 'Igmut', 'Gorgo', 'Filge', 'XorokuShamob',
            # This is where the random function calls on the lists to assemble the name.
            firstName = random.choice(firstNameMale)
            lastName = random.choice(lastNameMale)
            print('Your name is ' + firstName + ' ' + lastName)
        # If user chooses Female the program will execute.
        elif sex == "Female":
            # This is where the list of female first names are stored.
            firstNameFemale = ['Ughash', 'Spoguk', 'Truigig', 'Wudhagh', 'Wumkbanok', 'Hogug', 'Karrhig', 'Pargu',
            # This is where the list of female last names are stored.
            lastNameFemale = ['Opkagut', 'Zombilge', 'Grushnag', 'Gujarek', 'Igmut', 'Gorgo', 'Filge', 'XorokuShamob',
            # This is where the random function calls on the lists to assemble the name.
            firstName = random.choice(firstNameFemale)
            lastName = random.choice(lastNameFemale)
            print('Your name is ' + firstName + ' ' + lastName)
        # If user did not choose Male of Female program will execute.
            print('Please choose from Male or Female.  Remember capitalization counts!')

