从Excel VBA到Web服务的高效数据传输


Const ROWS = 250000
Const COLS = 22
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Dim myRange As Variant
Dim dummyString As String
Dim sb As New cStringBuilder
myRange = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(ROWS, COLS)).Value2
For x = 1 To ROWS
For y = 1 To COLS
dummyString = myRange(x, y) 'Runtime with only this line: 1.8s
sb.Append dummyString 'Runtime with this additional line 163s

我得到了一个很棒的 2D 数组,但我无法有效地收集数据以进行 HTTP 导出。 阵列和访问myRange[x, y]上的 X/Y 循环的运行时间为>1 分钟。我无法找到有助于获取 2D 数组的内爆/编码内容的数组方法。 我目前的解决方法是错过剪贴板(使用大字符串时内存泄漏的解决方法(,它工作速度很快,但在我眼中是一个肮脏的解决方法,并且有一个主要问题:我得到的值被格式化为".值"而不是"。Value2",所以我必须在使用前再次转换服务器站点上的数据,例如将货币单元格取消格式化为浮点数。


我的想法是你创建两个字符串数组ABA的大小可以是1 to ROWSB可以是1 to COLUMNS的大小。循环遍历myRange数组中的每一行时,B填充每个元素,并使用该行中每一列的值。在该行的最后一列之后,在移动到下一行之前,联接数组B并分配给A中的行。对于这种大小的循环,只需将必要的东西放在循环本身内。最后你会加入A.将项目分配给B时,可能需要使用cstr()


Option Explicit
Private Sub concatenateArrayValues()
Const TOTAL_ROWS As Long = 250000
Const TOTAL_COLUMNS As Long = 22
Dim inputValues As Variant
inputValues = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Resize(TOTAL_ROWS, TOTAL_COLUMNS).Value2
' These are static string arrays, as OP's use case involved constants.
Dim outputArray(1 To TOTAL_ROWS) As String ' <- in other words, array A
Dim interimArray(1 To TOTAL_COLUMNS) As String ' <- in other words, array B
Dim rowIndex As Long
Dim columnIndex As Long
' We use constants below when specifying the loop's limits instead of Lbound() and Ubound()
' as OP's use case involved constants.
' If we were using dynamic arrays, we could call Ubound(inputValues,2) once outside of the loop
' And assign the result to a Long type variable
' To avoid calling Ubound() 250k times within the loop itself.
For rowIndex = 1 To TOTAL_ROWS
For columnIndex = 1 To TOTAL_COLUMNS
interimArray(columnIndex) = inputValues(rowIndex, columnIndex)
Next columnIndex
outputArray(rowIndex) = VBA.Strings.Join(interimArray, ",")
Next rowIndex
Dim concatenatedOutput As String
concatenatedOutput = VBA.Strings.Join(outputArray, vbNewLine)
Debug.Print concatenatedOutput
' My current machine isn't particularly great
' but the code above ran and concatenated values in range A1:V250000
' (with each cell containing a random 3-character string) in under 4 seconds.
End Sub
