JQuery 延迟解决其他延迟



    /// <summary>Process the validation results (invalid IDR records will have the iop=4)</summary>
this.processValidationResults = function ()
    var promises = [];
    var count = (self.idrValidationList.length - 1);
    $.each(self.idrValidationList, function (index, idrValidationItem)
        _onProgress(self.utils.formatCounterMessage(index, count, 'Processing Validation Items'));
        if (idrValidationItem.is_valid = 0)
            //there is a problem with this IDR record
            //update the idr_insp table
            promises.push(self.updateInvalidEntity(self.configEntities.idr_insp, idrValidationItem.idr_insp_id));
            promises.push(self.updateInvalidChildren(self.configEntities.idr_insp, idrValidationItem.idr_insp_id));
            //push resolved promise
    return ($.when.apply($, promises));


/// <summary>Update the invalid record, sets the IOP field to 4 [Cannot sync due to issue]</summary>
/// <param name="entity" type="Object">GLobal entity definiton </param>
/// <param name="tabletId" type="Int">Primary Key on the tablet to change</param>
this.updateInvalidEnity = function (entity, tabletId)
    //update the record with the new ID and IOP status
    var updateSql = 'UPDATE ' + entity.name + ' SET  iop=? WHERE ' + entity.key_field + '=?';
    //update the record
    return (self.db.executeSql(updateSql, [4, tabletId]));
/// <summary>Update the invalid child records, sets the IOP field to 4 [Cannot sync due to issue]</summary>
/// <param name="entity" type="Object">GLobal entity definiton </param>
/// <param name="keyId" type="Int">Foreign Key on the tablet to change</param>
this.updateInvalidChildren= function (parentEntity, keyId)
    var promises = [];
    $.each(parentEntity.child_entities, function (index, child)
        var def = new $.Deferred();
        var updateSql = 'UPDATE ' + child.child_name + ' SET  iop=? WHERE ' + child.key_field + '=?';
        promises.push(self.db.executeSql(updateSql, [4, keyId]));
    return ($.when.apply($, promises));


/* Executes the sql statement with the parameters provided and returns a deffered jquery object */
this.executeSql = function (sql, params)
    params = params || [];
    var def = new $.Deferred();
    self.db.transaction(function (tx)
        tx.executeSql(sql, params, function (itx, results)// On Success
            // Resolve with the results and the transaction.
            def.resolve(itx, results);
        function (etx, err)// On Error
            // Reject with the error and the transaction.
            def.reject(etx, err);
    return (def.promise());


这真的应该在代码审查中,而不是 SO,但这里是......


  • 如前所述,.processValidationResults() 中的进度消息表示已发出的请求,而不是收到的响应。因此,它将直接跳到"计数"。

  • .processValidationResults()else { promise.push($.when()); }是不必要的。

  • .updateInvalidChildren()var def = $.Deferred()是不必要的。

  • jQuery Deferred的resolvereject方法是"可分离的"。在this.executeSql()中,由于您只想传递参数,因此可以简化对tx.executeSql(sql, params, def.resolve, def.reject)tx.executeSql(...)调用。

  • 假设self.db.executeSql执行 AJAX(并且tx.executeSql()不会以某种方式对请求进行排队),则代码可能会因同时请求而严重打击服务器。确保它可以处理此代码将生成的并发请求数。否则,请采取措施使请求按顺序发出。

