
我在我的flex项目中定义了3个接口,"B", "C"one_answers"D"。"D"接口扩展了"B"接口,"C"接口是"B"类型实例的消费者。之后,我定义了两个模块,M1和M2。M1实现"D"接口,M2实现"C"接口。M2的公共功能如下。

/* in the "M2" module */
// the stub is declared in the "C" interface.
public function consume(b:B):void{ 
    if(b is D){                  // line 1: type determination
        // do something on the D interface

然后我定义了两个模块加载器(mld1 &在主应用程序中加载M1和M2(通过设置url)。在M1和M2都加载后,我试图通过在M2模块中实现的"C.consume(B):void"函数为M2提供M1。代码如下所示。

/* in the "main" application */
var m1:B = mld1.child as B;      // line 2: cast type to B
var m2:C = mld2.child as C;
m2.consume(m1);                  // line 3: provide m1 instance for m2


 /* in the "main" application: make type determination be line 3 */
var m1:B = mld1.child as B;     // line 2: cast type to B
if(m1 is D)                     // just make a plain determination. nothing else.
var m2:C = mld2.child as C;
m2.consume(m1);                 // line 3: provide m1 instance for m2


/* in the "main" application: make type cast before line 3 */
var m1:B = mld1.child as D;     // line 2: after modified, cast type to D.
var m2:C = mld2.child as C;
m2.consume(m1);                 // line 3: provide m1 instance for m2



