如何在 SpringJDBCTemplate 中实现 mysql "where ? is null "

我想在SpringJDBC 中实现如下sql

从sku=:sku AND make=:make 的项目中选择注释

但是当make为null属性时,查询无法找到实际存在的记录。调试后,我发现MYSQL中的"make=null"one_answers"make is null


public Item findBySkuAndMake(String sku, String make) {
  Item item = null;
  try {
    String sql = "SELECT note FROM item WHERE sku = :sku AND make = :make";
    SqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource()  
        .addValue("sku", sku)
        .addValue("make", make);
    item = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, parameters, new ItemRowMapper());
  } catch (DataAccessExceptione) {
    System.err.printf("Something went wrong while trying to search inside ITEM; this is why: %s%n", e);
  // Then read getNote() ...or just return it (and change the method's return type)
  return item; 
// This is up to you, I don't know what's inside *Item*
private static class ItemRowMapper implements RowMapper<Item> {
  public Item mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException {
    return new Item(resultSet.getString("note"), resultSet.getString("sku"),

