

错误2错误LNK2019:未解析的外部符号"public:__thiscall Node::Node(double,class Node*)"(??0Node@@QAE@NPAV0@@Z) 在函数"public:void __thiscall List::insertAsFirst(double)"中引用(?insertAsFirst@List@@QAEXN@Z)

错误1错误LNK2019:未解析的外部符号"public:__thiscall Node::Node(double)"(??0Node@@QAE@N@Z) 在函数"private:static class Node*__cdecl List::clone(class Node*)"中引用(?clone@List@@CAPAVNode@@PAV2@@Z)


#include "LinkedList.h"
#include "Stack.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
using std::ostream;

    : _first(nullptr)

           List::List(const List & other)
    : _first(clone(other._first))

    while (!empty())

const List & List::operator=(const List & other)
    // check for list = list
    if (&other != this)
        // clear the current contents of this List
        this -> ~List();
        // and get a copy of other
        _first = clone(other._first);
    return *this;

bool List::empty() const
    return _first == nullptr;

void List::insertAsFirst(double x)
    if (empty())
        _first = new Node(x,nullptr);
        Node * ptr = new Node(x,nullptr);
        ptr->_next = _first;
        _first = ptr;

double List::removeFirst(){
    double item = _first->_entry;
    _first = _first->_next;
    return item;
double List::removeLast() {
    //returns zero if the list is empty
    double toReturn = 0;
    if (!empty()){
        Node * ptr = _first;
        //this is used for a list with 1 number
        if (ptr->_next == nullptr){
            toReturn = ptr->_entry;
            ptr = nullptr;
            return toReturn;
            //std::cout << "im heree in if statemen" << std::endl;
        //used for a list with exactly 2 numbers
        if (ptr->_next->_next == nullptr){
            //  std::cout << " i made it in  the special if statment" << std::endl;
            toReturn = ptr->_next->_entry;
            ptr->_next = nullptr;
            return toReturn;
        //used for a list with  more than 2 numbers
        //  std::cout << "before while loop" << std::endl;
        while (ptr->_next->_next != nullptr){
            //  std::cout << "while loop" << std::endl;
            ptr = ptr->_next;
            //std::cout << "while loop past next ptr" << std::endl;
        toReturn = ptr->_next->_entry;
        ptr->_next = nullptr;
    return toReturn;

double List::size(){
    double count = 0;
    if (_first == nullptr)
        return 0;
    else if(_first != nullptr){
        count = 1;
        Node * ptr = _first->_next;
        while (ptr != nullptr){
            ptr = ptr->_next;
        return count;
    return count;
double List::sum(){
    double thesum = 0;
    if (!empty()){
        thesum = _first->_entry;
        Node * ptr = _first->_next;
        while (ptr != nullptr){
            thesum += ptr->_entry;
            ptr = ptr->_next;
    return thesum;

void List::insertAsLast(double x){
    if (empty()){
        Node * ptr = _first;
        while (ptr->_next != nullptr){
            ptr = ptr->_next;
        ptr->_next = new Node(x, nullptr);
     double List::returnFirst(){
    return _first->_entry;

      void List::print(ostream & outfile) const
               outfile << "[ ";
         if (!empty())
        // The first entry is printed separately because no comma
        // is needed.
        outfile << _first->_entry;
        Node * ptr = _first->_next;
        while (ptr != nullptr)
            outfile << ", " << ptr->_entry;
            ptr = ptr->_next;
    outfile << " ]";

     // Iterative version of clone.
     // This version walks down the linked structure making a
     //   new Node for each double in the structure.
     Node * List::clone(Node * ptr)
        if (ptr == nullptr)
        return nullptr;
    Node * first = new Node(ptr->_entry);
    Node * last = first;
    ptr = ptr->_next;
    while (ptr != nullptr)
        last->_next = new Node(ptr->_entry);
        last = last->_next;
        ptr = ptr->_next;
    return first;

//// Recursive version of clone.
//// This version handles two cases, a linked structure with
////   no Nodes, and a linked structure with one or more
////   Nodes.
//Node * List::clone( Node * ptr )
//   if( ptr == NULL )
//   {
//      return NULL;
//   }
//   return new Node( ptr->_entry, clone( ptr->_next ) );

     ostream & operator<<(ostream & outfile, const List & list)
    return outfile;

     #ifndef _NODE_H_
#define _NODE_H_
#include <iostream>

class Node
    double _entry;
    Node * _next;
    // Constructors
    // post: this Node contains entry and a NULL pointer
    explicit Node(double entry);
    // post: this Node contains entry and next
    Node(double entry, Node * next);
    // Destructor
    // Inaccessible standard functions
    Node(const Node &);
    const Node & operator=(const Node &);
    Node(Node &&);
    const Node & operator=(Node &&);


Node::Node(double entry);


last->_next = new Node(ptr->_entry);
