
我试图使用 mapbox-gl 在同一页面上拥有 17 张小地图,并面向:

WARNING: Too many active WebGL contexts. Oldest context will be lost.

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'shaderSource' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': parameter 1 is not of type 'WebGLShader'.
at new Program (mapbox-gl.js:182)
at Painter._createProgramCached (mapbox-gl.js:178)
at Painter.useProgram (mapbox-gl.js:178)
at setFillProgram (mapbox-gl.js:154)
at drawFillTile (mapbox-gl.js:154)
at drawFillTiles (mapbox-gl.js:154)
at Object.drawFill [as fill] (mapbox-gl.js:154)
at Painter.renderLayer (mapbox-gl.js:178)
at Painter.render (mapbox-gl.js:178)
at e._render (mapbox-gl.js:497)



我正在使用mapbox-gl@0.45.0,并在Mac OS Sierra 66.12.6(16G1036(上的chrome版本66.0.3359.181(官方版本((64位(中对其进行测试

>我猜你运气不好。浏览器限制了 WebGL 实例的数量。有一些解决方法,但要使用它们可能需要更改 mapbox-gl 的实现方式。我建议您询问他们是否会考虑实施其中一种解决方法,假设他们还没有。


在我的头顶上,你必须创建一个屏幕外画布并覆盖HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext这样当有人创建一个webgl上下文时,你就会返回一个虚拟上下文。您将包装每个函数,如果该虚拟上下文与上次使用的虚拟上下文不匹配,您将保存所有 webgl 状态并恢复新上下文的状态。您还必须保留帧缓冲区以匹配每个画布的绘图缓冲区,在null当前帧缓冲区绑定时绑定它们,并在画布大小更改时调整它们的大小,然后渲染到屏幕外画布,然后在当前事件退出时canvas2d.drawImage到它们各自的画布。这是最后一部分最重的。


// This is just off the top of my head and is just pseudo code
// but hopefully gives an idea of how to virtualize WebGL.
const canvasToVirtualContextMap = new Map();
let currentVirtualContext = null;
let sharedWebGLContext;
const baseState = makeDefaultState();
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = (function(origFn) {
return function(type, contextAttributes) {
if (type === 'webgl') {
return createOrGetVirtualWebGLContext(this, type, contextAttributes);
return, contextAttributes);
class VirutalWebGLContext {
constructor(cavnas, contextAttributes) {
this.canvas = canvas;
// based on context attributes and canvas.width, canvas.height 
// create a texture and framebuffer
this._drawingbufferTexture = ...;
this._drawingbufferFramebuffer = ...;

// remember all WebGL state (default bindings, default texture units,
// default attributes and/or vertex shade object, default program,
// default blend, stencil, zbuffer, culling, viewport etc... state
this._state = makeDefaultState();
function makeDefaultState() {
const state ={};
state[WebGLRenderingContext.ARRAY_BUFFER] = null;
... tons more ...
// copy all WebGL constants and functions to the prototype of
// VirtualWebGLContext
for (let key in WebGLRenderingContext.protoype) {
const value = WebGLRenderingContext.prototype[key];
let newValue = value;
switch (key) {
case 'bindFramebuffer': 
newValue = virutalBindFramebuffer;
case 'clear':
case 'drawArrays':
case 'drawElements':
newValue = createDrawWrapper(value);
if (typeof value === 'function') {
newValue = createWrapper(value); 
VirtualWebGLContext.prototype[key] = newValue;
function virutalBindFramebuffer(bindpoint, framebuffer) {
if (bindpoint === WebGLRenderingContext.FRAMEBUFFER) {
if (target === null) {
// bind our drawingBuffer
sharedWebGLContext.bindFramebuffer(bindpoint, this._drawingbufferFramebuffer);
sharedWebGLContext.bindFramebuffer(bindpoint, framebuffer);
function createWrapper(origFn) {
// lots of optimization could happen here depending on specific functions
return function(...args) {
return, ...args);
function createDrawWrapper(origFn) {
const newFn = createWrapper(origFn);
return function(...args) {
// a rendering function was called so we need to copy are drawingBuffer
// to the canvas for this context after the current event.
this._needComposite = true;
return, ...args);
function makeCurrentContext(vctx) {
if (currentVirtualContext === vctx) {

// save all current WebGL state on the previous current virtual context

// restore all state for the 

// check if the current state is supposed to be rendering to the canvas.
// if so bind vctx._drawingbuffer

currentVirtualContext = vctx;
function resizeCanvasIfChanged(vctx) {
if (canvas.width !== vtx._width || canvas.height !== vctx._height) {
// resize this._drawingBuffer to match the new canvas size
function createOrGetVirtualWebGLContext(canvas, type, contextAttributes) {
// check if this canvas already has a context
const existingVirtualCtx = canvasToVirtualContextMap.get(canvas);
if (existingVirtualCtx) {
return existingVirtualCtx;

if (!sharedWebGLContext) {
sharedWebGLContext = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("webgl");

const newVirtualCtx = new VirtualWebGLContext(canvas, contextAttributes);
canvasToVirtualContextMap.set(canvas, newVirtualCtx);

return newVirtualCtx;   
function saveAllState(state) {
// save all WebGL state (current bindings, current texture units,
// current attributes and/or vertex shade object, current program,
// current blend, stencil, zbuffer, culling, viewport etc... state
state[WebGLRenderingContext.ARRAY_BUFFER] = sharedGLState.getParameter(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING);
state[WebGLRenderingContext.TEXTURE_2D] = sharedGLState.getParameter(gl.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D);
... tons more ...
function restoreAllState(state) {
// resture all WebGL state (current bindings, current texture units,
// current attributes and/or vertex shade object, current program,
// current blend, stencil, zbuffer, culling, viewport etc... state
gl.bindArray(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, state[WebGLRenderingContext.ARRAY_BUFFER]);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, state[WebGLRenderingContext.TEXTURE_2D]);
... tons more ...
function renderAllDirtyVirtualCanvas() {
let setup = false;
for (const vctx of canvasToVirtualContextMap.values()) {
if (!vctx._needComposite) {

vctx._needComposite = false;

if (!setup) {
setup = true;
// save all current WebGL state on the previous current virtual context
currentVirutalContext = null;

// set the state back to the default
restoreAllState(sharedGlContext, baseState);

// setup whatever state we need to render vctx._drawinbufferTexture
// to the canvas.

// draw the drawingbuffer's texture to the canvas
sharedWebGLContext.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, vctx._drawingbufferTexture);
sharedWebGLContext.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);

您还需要捕获导致呈现的事件,这些事件对于每个应用都是唯一的。如果应用程序使用 requetsAnimationFrame 来渲染,那么可能类似于

window.requestAnimationFrame = (function(origFn) {
return function(callback) {
return, (time) {
const result = callback(time);
return result;

如果应用程序在其他事件上呈现,例如鼠标移动,那么也许 像这样的东西

let someContextNeedsRendering;
function createDrawWrapper(origFn) {
const newFn = createWrapper(origFn);
return function(...args) {
// a rendering function was called so we need to copy are drawingBuffer
// to the canvas for this context after the current event.
this._needComposite = true;
if (!someContextsNeedRendering) {
someContextsNeedRendering = true;
setTimeout(dealWithDirtyContexts, 0);
return, ...args);
function dealWithDirtyContexts() {
someContextsNeedRendering = false;


