

使用哈希表或python dict不是一个选择,因为内存问题,所以我决定使用radix trie存储字符串,我可以很快地检索任何字符串的索引并处理大量字符串。/p>




根据使用哪种数据结构具有O(log n)键和值查找?,您需要两个同步的数据结构来进行键和价值查找,每个都保持对对方的叶子节点的参考。

ID查找的结构可以具有足够有效的任何东西 - 平衡的树,一个哈希表,另一个Trie。


请注意,参考实际上是一个唯一的整数,因此,如果您的ID不大于整数,则重用作为ID的某些内容是有意义的 - 例如Trie节点本身。然后,如果Trie API可以验证此类参考(即确定它是否具有带有此参考的使用节点),则该引用将充当ID查找,而您根本不需要第二个结构!这样,IDS将不存在'cuz参考值(有效的内存地址)在过程和运行之间会发生变化。



因此,最终结果是一个索引的trie类,看起来像python dict(或使用default_factory参数调用),但也可以像列表一样查询,因为一种"反向索引"自动维护。<<<<<<<<<<。/p>

存储在内部radix trie中的密钥可以是任何可订阅的对象(字节,字符串,元组,列表),以及您要存储所需的任何东西的值。


Trie中的每个键都与唯一的整数索引相关联,您可以用键和键的索引检索键,整个过程都很快,内存安全,因此我个人认为这是最好的数据之一 - 世界上的结构,应该将其集成到Python标准库中:)。


A Python3 indexed trie class.
An indexed trie's key can be any subscriptable object. 
Keys of the indexed trie are stored using a "radix trie", a space-optimized data-structure which has many advantages (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_tree).
Also, each key in the indexed trie is associated to a unique index which is build dynamically.
Indexed trie is used like a python dictionary (and even a collections.defaultdict if you want to) but its values can also be accessed or updated (but not created) like a list!
    >>> t = indextrie()
    >>> t["abc"] = "hello"
    >>> t[0]
    >>> t["abc"]
    >>> t.index2key(0)
    >>> t.key2index("abc")
    >>> t[:]
    >>> print(t)
    {(0, 'abc'): hello}
__author__ = "@fbparis"
_SENTINEL = object()
class _Node(object):
    A single node in the trie.
    __slots__ = "_children", "_parent", "_index", "_key"
    def __init__(self, key, parent, index=None):
        self._children = set()
        self._key = key
        self._parent = parent
        self._index = index
class IndexedtrieKey(object):
    A pair (index, key) acting as an indexedtrie's key
    __slots__ = "index", "key"
    def __init__(self, index, key):
        self.index = index
        self.key = key
    def __repr__(self):
        return "(%d, %s)" % (self.index, self.key)
class indexedtrie(object):
    The indexed trie data-structure.
    __slots__ = "_children", "_indexes", "_values", "_nodescount", "_default_factory"
    def __init__(self, items=None, default_factory=_SENTINEL):
        A list of items can be passed to initialize the indexed trie.
        self._children = set()
        self._indexes = []
        self._values = []
        self._nodescount = 0 # keeping track of nodes count is purely informational
        if items is not None:
            for k, v in items:
                if isinstance(k, IndexedtrieKey):
                    self.__setitem__(k.key, v)
                    self.__setitem__(k, v)
    def fromkeys(cls, keys, value=_SENTINEL, default_factory=_SENTINEL):
        Build a new indexedtrie from a list of keys.
        obj = cls(default_factory=default_factory)
        for key in keys:
            if value is _SENTINEL:
                if default_factory is not _SENTINEL:
                    obj[key] = obj._default_factory()
                    obj[key] = None
                obj[key] = value
        return obj
    def fromsplit(cls, keys, value=_SENTINEL, default_factory=_SENTINEL):
        Build a new indexedtrie from a splitable object.
        obj = cls(default_factory=default_factory)
        for key in keys.split():
            if value is _SENTINEL:
                if default_factory is not _SENTINEL:
                    obj[key] = obj._default_factory()
                    obj[key] = None
                obj[key] = value
        return obj
    def setdefault(self, factory=_SENTINEL):
        if factory is not _SENTINEL:
            # indexed trie will act like a collections.defaultdict except in some cases because the __missing__
            # method is not implemented here (on purpose).
            # That means that simple lookups on a non existing key will return a default value without adding
            # the key, which is the more logical way to do.
            # Also means that if your default_factory is for example "list", you won't be able to create new
            # items with "append" or "extend" methods which are updating the list itself.
            # Instead you have to do something like trie["newkey"] += [...]
                _ = factory()
            except TypeError:
                # a default value is also accepted as default_factory, even "None"
                self._default_factory = lambda: factory
                self._default_factory = factory
            self._default_factory = _SENTINEL
    def copy(self):
        Return a pseudo-shallow copy of the indexedtrie.
        Keys and nodes are deepcopied, but if you store some referenced objects in values, only the references will be copied.
        return self.__class__(self.items(), default_factory=self._default_factory)
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._indexes)
    def __repr__(self):
        if self._default_factory is not _SENTINEL:
            default = ", default_value=%s" % self._default_factory()
            default = ""
        return "<%s object at %s: %d items, %d nodes%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)), len(self), self._nodescount, default)
    def __str__(self):
        ret = ["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in self.items()]
        return "{%s}" % ", ".join(ret)
    def __iter__(self):
        return self.keys()
    def __contains__(self, key_or_index):
        Return True if the key or index exists in the indexed trie.
        if isinstance(key_or_index, IndexedtrieKey):
            return key_or_index.index >= 0 and key_or_index.index < len(self)
        if isinstance(key_or_index, int):
            return key_or_index >= 0 and key_or_index < len(self)
        if self._seems_valid_key(key_or_index):
                node = self._get_node(key_or_index)
            except KeyError:
                return False
                return node._index is not None
        raise TypeError("invalid key type")
    def __getitem__(self, key_or_index):
        if isinstance(key_or_index, IndexedtrieKey):
            return self._values[key_or_index.index]
        if isinstance(key_or_index, int) or isinstance(key_or_index, slice):
            return self._values[key_or_index]
        if self._seems_valid_key(key_or_index):
                node = self._get_node(key_or_index)
            except KeyError:
                if self._default_factory is _SENTINEL:
                    return self._default_factory()
                if node._index is None:
                    if self._default_factory is _SENTINEL:
                        raise KeyError
                        return self._default_factory()
                    return self._values[node._index]            
        raise TypeError("invalid key type")
    def __setitem__(self, key_or_index, value):
        if isinstance(key_or_index, IndexedtrieKey):
            self._values[key_or_index.index] = value
        elif isinstance(key_or_index, int):
            self._values[key_or_index] = value
        elif isinstance(key_or_index, slice):
            raise NotImplementedError
        elif self._seems_valid_key(key_or_index):
                node = self._get_node(key_or_index)
            except KeyError:
                # create a new node
                self._add_node(key_or_index, value)
                if node._index is None:
                    # if node exists but not indexed, we index it and update the value
                    self._add_to_index(node, value)
                    # else we update its value
                    self._values[node._index] = value
            raise TypeError("invalid key type")
    def __delitem__(self, key_or_index):
        if isinstance(key_or_index, IndexedtrieKey):
            node = self._indexes[key_or_index.index]
        elif isinstance(key_or_index, int):
            node = self._indexes[key_or_index]
        elif isinstance(key_or_index, slice):
            raise NotImplementedError
        elif self._seems_valid_key(key_or_index):
            node = self._get_node(key_or_index)
            if node._index is None:
                raise KeyError
            raise TypeError("invalid key type")
        # switch last index with deleted index (except if deleted index is last index)
        last_node, last_value = self._indexes.pop(), self._values.pop()
        if node._index != last_node._index:
            last_node._index = node._index
            self._indexes[node._index] = last_node
            self._values[node._index] = last_value
        if len(node._children) > 1:
            #case 1: node has more than 1 child, only turn index off
            node._index = None
        elif len(node._children) == 1:
            # case 2: node has 1 child
            child = node._children.pop()
            child._key = node._key + child._key
            child._parent = node._parent
            self._nodescount -= 1
            # case 3: node has no child, check the parent node
            parent = node._parent
            self._nodescount -= 1
            if hasattr(parent, "_index"):
                if parent._index is None and len(parent._children) == 1:
                    node = parent._children.pop()
                    node._key = parent._key + node._key
                    node._parent = parent._parent
                    self._nodescount -= 1
    def _seems_valid_key(key):
        Return True if "key" can be a valid key (must be subscriptable).
            _ = key[:0]
        except TypeError:
            return False
        return True
    def keys(self, prefix=None):
        Yield keys stored in the indexedtrie where key is a IndexedtrieKey object.
        If prefix is given, yield only keys of items with key matching the prefix.
        if prefix is None:
            for i, node in enumerate(self._indexes):
                yield IndexedtrieKey(i, self._get_key(node))
            if self._seems_valid_key(prefix):
                empty = prefix[:0]
                children = [(empty, prefix, child) for child in self._children]
                while len(children):
                    _children = []
                    for key, prefix, child in children:
                        if prefix == child._key[:len(prefix)]:
                            _key = key + child._key
                            _children.extend([(_key, empty, _child) for _child in child._children])
                            if child._index is not None:
                                yield IndexedtrieKey(child._index, _key)
                        elif prefix[:len(child._key)] == child._key:
                            _prefix = prefix[len(child._key):]
                            _key = key + prefix[:len(child._key)]
                            _children.extend([(_key, _prefix, _child) for _child in child._children])
                    children = _children
                raise ValueError("invalid prefix type")
    def values(self, prefix=None):
        Yield values stored in the indexedtrie.
        If prefix is given, yield only values of items with key matching the prefix.
        if prefix is None:
            for value in self._values:
                yield value
            for key in self.keys(prefix):
                yield self._values[key.index]
    def items(self, prefix=None):
        Yield (key, value) pairs stored in the indexedtrie where key is a IndexedtrieKey object.
        If prefix is given, yield only (key, value) pairs of items with key matching the prefix.
        for key in self.keys(prefix):
            yield key, self._values[key.index]
    def show_tree(self, node=None, level=0):
        Pretty print the internal trie (recursive function).
        if node is None:
            node = self
        for child in node._children:
            print("-" * level + "<key=%s, index=%s>" % (child._key, child._index))
            if len(child._children):
                self.show_tree(child, level + 1)
    def _get_node(self, key):
        Return the node associated to key or raise a KeyError.
        children = self._children
        while len(children):
            notfound = True
            for child in children:
                if key == child._key:
                    return child
                if child._key == key[:len(child._key)]:
                    children = child._children
                    key = key[len(child._key):]
                    notfound = False
            if notfound:
        raise KeyError
    def _add_node(self, key, value):
        Add a new key in the trie and updates indexes and values.
        children = self._children
        parent = self
        moved = None
        done = len(children) == 0
        # we want to insert key="abc"
        while not done:
            done = True
            for child in children:
                # assert child._key != key # uncomment if you don't trust me
                if child._key == key[:len(child._key)]:
                    # case 1: child's key is "ab", insert "c" in child's children 
                    parent = child
                    children = child._children
                    key = key[len(child._key):]
                    done = len(children) == 0
                elif key == child._key[:len(key)]:
                    # case 2: child's key is "abcd", we insert "abc" in place of the child
                    # child's parent will be the inserted node and child's key is now "d"
                    parent = child._parent
                    moved = child
                    moved._key = moved._key[len(key):]
                elif type(key) is type(child._key): # don't mess it up
                    # find longest common prefix
                    prefix = key[:0]
                    for i, c in enumerate(key):
                        if child._key[i] != c:
                            prefix = key[:i]
                    if prefix:
                        # case 3: child's key is abd, we spawn a new node with key "ab"
                        # to replace child ; child's key is now "d" and child's parent is 
                        # the new created node.
                        # the new node will also be inserted as a child of this node
                        # with key "c"
                        node = _Node(prefix, child._parent)
                        self._nodescount += 1
                        child._key = child._key[len(prefix):]
                        child._parent = node
                        key = key[len(prefix):]
                        parent = node
        # create the new node
        node = _Node(key, parent)
        self._nodescount += 1
        if moved is not None:
            # if we have moved an existing node, update it
            moved._parent = node
        self._add_to_index(node, value)
    def _get_key(self, node):
        Rebuild key from a terminal node.
        key = node._key
        while node._parent is not self:
            node = node._parent
            key = node._key + key
        return key
    def _add_to_index(self, node, value):
        Add a new node to the index.
        Also record its value.
        node._index = len(self)
    def key2index(self, key):
        key -> index
        if self._seems_valid_key(key):
            node = self._get_node(key)
            if node._index is not None:
                return node._index
            raise KeyError
        raise TypeError("invalid key type")
    def index2key(self, index):
        index or IndexedtrieKey -> key.
        if isinstance(index, IndexedtrieKey):
            index = index.index
        elif not isinstance(index, int):
            raise TypeError("index must be an int")
        if index < 0 or index > len(self._indexes):
            raise IndexError
        return self._get_key(self._indexes[index])

