

Closing_Balance = Opening_Balance + Income - Expense - Bill



DateOfPayment   Bill
2018-06-01      4000
2018-06-01      9000
2018-06-19      2000
2018-06-19      6000
2019-03-28      3000
2019-03-29      5000


DateOfExpense   Expense
2018-08-14      2,000
2019-02-26      8,000
2019-03-28      2000
2019-03-29      2000


DateSold        Income
2018-09-27      24,000
2018-10-17      8,000
2019-01-01      13,000
2019-03-28      10,000

我使用了以下SQL Server Query

with Income( DateSold, Income ) as (
    select DateSold,isnull(sum(TotalBill),0)
    from SalesInvoice group by DateSold
), SupplierPayments( DateOfPayment,Bill ) as(
    select DateOfPayment,isnull(sum(BillPaidAmount),0) 
    from SupplyInvoicePaymentHistory group by DateOfPayment
), Expensis( DateOfExpense, Expense ) as(
    select Date ,isnull(sum(Amount),0) 
    from GeneralExpense group by Date
), t as (
    select i.DateSold
        , e.Expense
        , sum(isnull(i.income,0)-(isnull(e.Expense,0)+isnull(sp.Bill,0))) over (order by i.DateSold,e.DateOfExpense,sp.DateOfPayment) as closing_balance 
    from income i 
    full outer  join expensis e on e.DateOfExpense = i.DateSold 
    full outer join SupplierPayments sp on sp.DateOfPayment=e.DateOfExpense
select m.DateSold
    ,isnull(m.opening_balance,0) as Opening_Balance
    ,isnull(m.Income,0) as Income
    ,isnull(m.Expense,0) as Expensis
    ,isnull(m.Bill,0) as SupplierPayments
    ,isnull(m.closing_balance,0) as Closing_Balance
from (
    select DateSold
        ,lag(closing_balance,1,0) over (order by DateSold, DateOfExpense,DateOfPayment) as opening_balance,Income
        , Expense
    from t
) as m 


DateSold    ExpenseDate PaymentDate Opening Income  Expense Bill  Closing
NULL         NULL       2018-06-01  0        0      0       4,000 -4,000
NULL         NULL       2018-06-19  -4000    0      0       2,000 -6,000      
NULL        2018-08-14  NULL        -6,000   0      2,000   0     -8,000
NULL        2019-02-26  NULL        -8,000   0      8,000   0     -16,000
NULL        2019-03-29  2019-03-29  -16,000  0      2000    5000  -23,000
2018-09-27  NULL        NULL        -23,000  24,000 0       0     1,000
2018-10-17  NULL        NULL        1,000    8,000  0       0     9,000
2019-01-01  NULL        NULL        9,000    13,000 0       0     22,000
2019-03-28  2019-03-28  2019-03-28  22,000   10,000 2000    3000  27,000

由于日期列的顺序,Closing平衡是错误的。 我想要以下输出,其中 Date 根据 3 个日期列按升序排列


DateSold    ExpenseDate PaymentDate Opening Income  Expense Bill  Closing
NULL        NULL        2018-06-01  0        0      0       4,000 -4,000
NULL        NULL        2018-06-19  -4000    0      0       2,000 -6,000      
NULL        2018-08-14  NULL        -6,000   0      2,000   0     -8,000
2018-09-27  NULL        NULL        -8,000   24,000 0       0     16,000
2018-10-17  NULL        NULL        16,000   8,000  0       0     24,000
2019-01-01  NULL        NULL        24,000   13,000 0       0     37,000
NULL        2019-02-26  NULL        37,000   0      8,000   0     29,000
2019-03-28  2019-03-28  2019-03-28  29,000   10,000 2000    3000  34,000
NULL        2019-03-29  2019-03-29  34,000   0      2000    5000  29,000

我认为union all group by可能是一个更好的方法:

select dte, sum(bill) as bill, sum(expense) as expense,
       sum(income) as income,
       sum(income - expense - bill) over (order by dte) - (income - expense - bill) as opening_balance
       sum(income - expense - bill) over (order by dte) as closing_balance
from ((select DateOfPayment as dte, Bill, 0 as expense, 0 as income
       from SupplierPayments
      ) union all
      (select DateOfExpense, 0, Expense, 0 as income
       from expenses
      ) union all
      (select datesold, 0, 0, income
       from income
     ) d
group by dte
order by dte;

该查询比full join查询简单一些,因为您不必处理这么多NULL值。 更重要的是,如果其中一个表在同一日期有两个条目,则会产生正确的答案。


declare @SupplierPayments table(DateOfPayment date, Bill int);
insert into @SupplierPayments values
('2018-06-01', 4000),
('2018-06-19', 2000),
('2019-03-28', 3000),
('2019-03-29', 5000);
declare @Expensis table(DateOfExpense date, Expense int);
insert into @Expensis values
declare @Income table(DateSold date, Income int);
insert into @Income values

要获得Closing列,每行使用公式就足够了(无需Opening column(。然后,要获取Closing值,只需在该公式的列上使用累积总和就足够了(只需查看查询即可(。累积和可以通过带有order by over子句的sum函数轻松实现。

select EventDate, DateOfExpense, DateOfPayment, DateSold, Income, Expense, Bill,
       sum(Income - Expense - Bill)
         over (order by EventDate rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding) Opening,
       sum(Income - Expense - Bill)
         over (order by EventDate) Closing
from (
    select coalesce(coalesce(DateOfPayment, DateOfExpense), DateSold) EventDate, * 
    from (
      select DateOfPayment, sum(coalesce(Bill, 0)) Bill from @SupplierPayments group by DateOfPayment
    ) sp 
    full join (
      select DateOfExpense, sum(coalesce(Expense, 0)) Expense from @Expensis group by DateOfExpense
    ) e on sp.DateOfPayment = e.DateOfExpense
    full join (
      select DateSold, sum(coalesce(Income, 0)) Income from @Income group by DateSold
    ) i on sp.DateOfPayment = i.DateSold
) a order by EventDate
