自定义计算返回'NoneType'对象是不可调用的 Django


location = LocationData.objects.filter(email=self.request.user.email).count()


count = MyUser.objects.filter(location_count=self.request.user.email).count()


if count == location:
context['social'] = location * FRISTPRICE



class AdminDashboard(TemplateView):
template_name = 'administration/admin.html'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(AdminDashboard, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
user = MyUser.objects.get(pk=self.request.user.pk)
# check if user is superuser if not don't include him
if user.is_superuser:
# check how much locations does user have
location = LocationData.objects.filter(email=self.request.user.email).count()
# check how much user have licences payed for
count = MyUser.objects.filter(location_count=self.request.user.email).count()
# if count is == to location then the location is proper
# so count * package = application sales
if count == location:
context['first_package'] = location * FIRSTPRICE
if count == location:
context['second_package'] = location * SECONDPRICE
if count == location:
context['third_package'] = location * THIRDPRICE
return context


def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(AdminDashboard, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
user = MyUser.objects.get(pk=self.request.user.pk)
# check if user is superuser if not don't include him
if user.is_superuser:
# check how much locations does user have
location = LocationData.objects.filter(email=self.request.user.email).count()
# check how much user have licences payed for
count = MyUser.objects.filter(location_count=self.request.user.email).count()
# if count is == to location then the location is proper
# so count * package = application sales
if count == location:
context['first_package'] = location * FIRSTPRICE
if count == location:
context['second_package'] = location * SECONDPRICE
if count == location:
context['third_package'] = location * THIRDPRICE
return context
