合并两个 JSON 文件并保持相同的结构 JavaScript

我在尝试创建包含我抓取的网站信息的 JSON 时遇到了一些问题。我创建了两个文件,它们都具有相同的结构。我想将它们放在一个 JSON 中,并为两者保持相同的结构。我该怎么做?


name: 'Jed',
age: 23
home: [
{address: 5th AV 123
coordinates: [{lat:12324,

我有 10 个结构相同但每个文件的信息不同。如何创建包含所有 10 个的主 JSON?


MainJson = [
[Information From Site -1 related to A], 
[Information From Site -2 related to A]
[Information From Site -1 related to B],
[Information From Site -2 related to B]

可以使用函数Array.prototype.concat将对象追加到特定数组。 同样,使用 Spread 语法将元素作为参数传递。

let array = anArray.concat(...anotherArray);


let anArray = [{    name: 'Jed',    age: 23,    home: [{        address: "5th AV 123",        coordinates: [{            lat: 12324,            long: 1231        }]    }]}, {    name: 'Ele',    age: 36, home: [{        address: "5th AV 123",        coordinates: [{            lat: 12324,            long: 1231        }]    }]}],
anotherArray = [{    name: 'Rick',    age: 21,    home: [{        address: "5th AV 123",        coordinates: [{            lat: 12324,            long: 1231        }]    }]}, {    name: 'Jade',    age: 42, home: [{        address: "5th AV 123",        coordinates: [{            lat: 12324,            long: 1231        }]    }]}],
furtherArray = [{    name: 'Enr',    age: 21,    home: [{        address: "5th AV 123",        coordinates: [{            lat: 12324,            long: 1231        }]    }]}, {    name: 'John',    age: 42, home: [{        address: "5th AV 123",        coordinates: [{            lat: 12324,            long: 1231        }]    }]}];
console.log(Array.prototype.concat.call(anArray, ...anotherArray, ...furtherArray));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
