为什么 rand (向量)不输出向量值,而是输出构造函数的 rand?


cout << enemies[rand() % enemies.size()].getName() << endl;


{5, 15, 0, "name1", 40, 20},
{10, 10, 0, "name2", 60, 30},
{5, 15, 0, "name3", 20, 20},


class Enemy : public Player
int exp;
int money;
Enemy(int attack = 0, int defense = 0, int evasion = 0, string name = "something", int money = 0, int exp = 0)


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::vector;

class Player
int attack;
int defense;
int evasion;
string name;
Player(int atk = 0, int def = 0, int eva = 0, string nameClass = "Wiz")
attack = atk;
defense = def;
evasion = eva;
name = nameClass;
void setAttack(int atk)
attack = atk;
int getAttack()
return attack;
void setDefense(int def)
defense = def;
int getDefense()
return defense;
void setEvasion(int evs)
evasion = evs;
int getEvasion()
return evasion;
string getName()
return name;
class Enemy : public Player
int exp;
int money;
Enemy(int attack = 0, int defense = 0, int evasion = 0, string name = "Wiz", int money = 0, int exp = 0)
int getAttack()
return attack;
int getDefense()
return defense;
int getEvasion()
return evasion;
string getName()
return name;
int getMoney()
return money;
int getExp()
return exp;

int main() 
Enemy timberWolf(5, 15, 0, "Timber Wolf", 40, 20);
Enemy dwarvenSharpshooter(10, 10, 0, "Dwarven Sharpshooter", 60, 30);
Enemy pharaohCat(5, 15, 0, "Pharaoh Cat", 20, 20);
Enemy swashbuckler(5, 20, 0, "Swashbuckler", 20, 10);
Enemy steelBeetle(30, 20, 30, "Steel Beetle", 160, 80);
Enemy scavengingHyena(45, 20, 30, "Scavenging Hyena", 180, 100);
Enemy manaWyrm(35, 45, 30, "Mana Wyrm", 170, 90);
Enemy manaCyclone(35, 20, 30, "Mana Cyclone", 180, 90);
Enemy pyromaniac(65, 35, 45, "Pyromaniac", 290, 160);
Enemy flamewalker(60, 50, 50, "Flamewalker", 320, 160);
Enemy arcaneAmplifier(65, 55, 45, "Arcane Amplifier", 320, 170);
Enemy voidTerror(55, 45, 55, "Void Terror", 310, 170);
Enemy mistwraith(85, 35, 65, "Mistwraith", 330, 175);
Enemy plaguebringer(75, 30, 70, "Plaguebringer", 310, 175);
Enemy henchClanBurglar(80, 35, 85, "Hench-Clan Burglar", 330, 165);
Enemy yeti(80, 40, 60, "Yeti", 320, 180);
Enemy oasisSurger(90, 45, 55, "Oasis Surger", 340, 175);
Enemy starvingBuzzard(85, 45, 60, "Starving Buzzard", 330, 190);
Enemy earthElemental(90, 45, 70, "Earth Elemental", 345, 180);
Enemy abomination(80, 55, 45, "Abomination", 340, 175);
Enemy cenarius(100, 65, 65, "Cenarius", 380, 210);
Enemy kingKrush(100, 70, 60, "King Krush", 400, 220);
Enemy archmageAntonidas(95, 65, 60, "Archmage Antonidas", 380, 210);
Enemy alAkirTheWindlord(90, 60, 65, "Al'Akir the Windlord", 360, 200);
Enemy deathWing(110, 90, 80, "Death Wing");
Player wizard(60, 40, 60, "Wizard");
Player warrior(50, 60, 40, "Warrior");
Player paladin(40, 70, 50, "Paladin");
Player druid(60, 40, 60, "Druid");
Player assassin(70, 30, 70, "Assassin");

vector<Enemy> enemies
{5, 15, 0, "Timber Wolf", 40, 20},
{10, 10, 0, "Dwarven Sharpshooter", 60, 30},
{5, 15, 0, "Pharaoh Cat", 20, 20},
{5, 20, 0, "Swashbuckler", 20, 10},
{30, 20, 30, "Steel Beetle", 160, 80},
{45, 20, 30, "Scavenging Hyena", 180, 100},
{35, 45, 30, "Mana Wyrm", 170, 90},
{35, 20, 30, "Mana Cyclone", 180, 90},
{65, 35, 45, "Pyromaniac", 290, 160},
{60, 50, 50, "Flamewalker", 320, 160},
{65, 55, 45, "Arcane Amplifier", 320, 170},
{55, 45, 55, "Void Terror", 310, 170},
{85, 35, 65, "Mistwraith", 330, 175},
{75, 30, 70, "Plaguebringer", 310, 175},
{80, 35, 85, "Hench-Clan Burglar", 330, 165},
{80, 40, 60, "Yeti", 320, 180},
{90, 45, 55, "Oasis Surger", 340, 175},
{85, 45, 60, "Starving Buzzard", 330, 190},
{90, 45, 70, "Earth Elemental", 345, 180},
{80, 55, 45, "Abomination", 340, 175},
{100, 65, 65, "Cenarius", 380, 210},
{100, 70, 60, "King Krush", 400, 220},
{95, 65, 60, "Archmage Antonidas", 380, 210},
{90, 60, 65, "Al'Akir the Windlord", 360, 200},
{110, 90, 80, "Death Wing"},
enemies.insert(enemies.begin(), 26);
cout << enemies[rand() % enemies.size()].getDefense() << endl;
return 0;


error: no matching function for call to 'Player::Player()'


Enemy(int attack, int defense, int evasion, string name, int money = 0, int exp = 0)
:Player(attack, defense, evasion, name),
