Primefaces Schedule在给定时间段的每个星期添加一个事件


所以我需要加载事件包含名字,天,时间的一个类(Chemestry 101 -周一十点到13:00)每周在当前学术的时期,然后显示在时间表,只有我能想到的方法是通过计算当前学术的第一个星期一的日期期间,将事件添加到调度组件,然后计算下星期一的日期,并将事件添加到计划组件到学术期结束后,但这似乎很麻烦,也没有必要。这是我的问题


我使用的是Primefaces 3.5和STS (spring tool suite 3.4.0)

你为什么不试试scheduler job,

    write a program which do the stuff with  current date
suppose current date is 9 jun2 2014 which is Monday
    in window machine schedule a tast to run that program on every Monday with time,
    in linux create a crone job to run that program on every Monday with time,
    if you want to do this stuff OS independent that
    study Play Framework which will take care of schedule task and run the job on every Monday
    below the reference of Play

