Perl File::Monitor 模块通知创建的新文件的多个通知,而我希望一个通知

下面是代码片段! 我正在使用Perl模块File::Monitor进行文件创建通知。

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Monitor;
use File::Basename;
use Time::HiRes qw {usleep};
my $pid,@pids;

sub textfile_notifier {
my ($watch_name, $event, $change) = @_; 
my @new_file_paths = $change->files_created; #The change object has a property called files_created, 
                                             #which contains the names of any new files
for my $path (@new_file_paths) {
    my ($base, $fname, $ext) = fileparse($path, '.log'); # $ext is "" if the '.txt' extension is
                                                         # not found, otherwise it's '.txt'.
    if ($ext eq '.log') {
        print "$path was createdn";
    #-----------------------------------------Forking part #-----------------------------------------
    defined ($pid = fork()) or die "Couldn't fork: $!";
    if ($pid == 0) { #then in child process
        print "Loop got executedn";
    else {  #then in parent process, where $pid is the pid of the child
        push @pids, $pid;
    #-----------------------------------------Forking part ends here #-----------------------------------------
my $monitor = File::Monitor->new();
$monitor->watch( {
name        => '/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/',
recurse     => 1,
callback    => {files_created => &textfile_notifier},  #event => handler 1 
} );
while (1) {
$monitor->scan; #Scanning the directory one
#usleep(10_000); #$microseconds = 750_000;
for my $pid (@pids) {
    waitpid($pid, 0)  #0 => block



touch 1.log  
touch 2.log  
touch 3.log  
touch 4.log  



/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/1.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/2.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/2.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/3.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/3.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/3.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/4.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/3.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/4.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/4.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/4.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/4.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/4.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/4.log was created  
/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/4.log was created      




use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Monitor;
use File::Basename;
use Time::HiRes qw {usleep};
my $script = '/homw/goudarsh/Desktop/';
sub textfile_notifier {
my ($watch_name, $event, $change) = @_; 
my @new_file_paths = $change->files_created; #The change object has a property called files_created, 
                                         #which contains the names of any new files
for my $path (@new_file_paths) {
my ($base, $fname, $ext) = fileparse($path, '.log'); # $ext is "" if the '.txt' extension is
                                                     # not found, otherwise it's '.txt'.
if ($ext eq '.log') {
    print "$path was createdn";
    system("perl $script $path &");
my $monitor = File::Monitor->new();
$monitor->watch( {
name        => '/home/goudarsh/Desktop/logs/',
recurse     => 1,
callback    => {files_created => &textfile_notifier},  #event => handler 1 
} );
while (1) {
$monitor->scan; #Scanning the directory one
#usleep(10_000); #$microseconds = 750_000;

我只想执行一个以$path作为参数的$script,我使用分叉来创建子进程,但我对使用不需要的分叉的概念是错误的! 现在不用分叉,我可以做任何需要的事情,我很高兴学习新事物
