

从该页面,我已将粘贴复制到标记为 .fsi 和 .fs 的 2 个单独文件中的代码中

必须承认,我不太了解.fsi和.fs文件是如何相互作用的,而且 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd233196.aspx 上的解释对我来说是神秘的。

通过一些重新格式化,如果我制定解决方案并仅使用 .fs 文件,它可以正常工作。

但是,同时使用 .fsi 和 .fs 文件,我收到错误消息,例如"未定义命名空间'堆'"(在项目的主 .fs 文件中("没有构造函数可用于类型'int BinaryHeap'"(在项目的主.fs文件中(

"实现文件中出现意外的关键字'type'"(尝试在 .fs 文件中定义类型队列时(

(* AwesomeCollections.fsi *)
namespace AwesomeCollections
type 'a stack =
  | EmptyStack
  | StackNode of 'a * 'a stack
module Stack = begin
  val hd : 'a stack -> 'a
  val tl : 'a stack -> 'a stack
  val cons : 'a -> 'a stack -> 'a stack
  val empty : 'a stack
  val rev : 'a stack -> 'a stack
type 'a Queue =
    member hd : 'a
    member tl : 'a Queue
    member enqueue : 'a -> 'a Queue
    static member empty : 'a Queue
type BinaryTree<'a when 'a : comparison> =
    member hd : 'a
    member left : 'a BinaryTree
    member right : 'a BinaryTree
    member exists : 'a -> bool
    member insert : 'a -> 'a BinaryTree
    member print : unit -> unit
    static member empty : 'a BinaryTree
//type 'a AvlTree =
//    member Height : int
//    member Left : 'a AvlTree
//    member Right : 'a AvlTree
//    member Value : 'a
//    member Insert : 'a -> 'a AvlTree
//    member Contains : 'a -> bool
//module AvlTree =
//    [<GeneralizableValue>]
//    val empty<'a> : AvlTree<'a>
type 'a BinaryHeap =
    member hd : 'a
    member tl : 'a BinaryHeap
    member insert : 'a -> 'a BinaryHeap
    member merge : 'a BinaryHeap -> 'a BinaryHeap
    interface System.Collections.IEnumerable
    interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'a>
    static member make : ('b -> 'b -> int) -> 'b BinaryHeap


(* AwesomeCollections.fs *)
namespace AwesomeCollections
   type 'a stack =
    | EmptyStack
    | StackNode of 'a * 'a stack
   module Stack =        
      let hd = function
        | EmptyStack -> failwith "Empty stack"
        | StackNode(hd, tl) -> hd
      let tl = function
        | EmptyStack -> failwith "Emtpy stack"
        | StackNode(hd, tl) -> tl
      let cons hd tl = StackNode(hd, tl)
      let empty = EmptyStack
      let rec rev s =
          let rec loop acc = function
            | EmptyStack -> acc
            | StackNode(hd, tl) -> loop (StackNode(hd, acc)) tl
          loop EmptyStack s
  type Queue<'a>(f : stack<'a>, r : stack<'a>) =
         let check = function
            | EmptyStack, r -> Queue(Stack.rev r, EmptyStack)
            | f, r -> Queue(f, r)
         member this.hd =
           match f with
             | EmptyStack -> failwith "empty"
             | StackNode(hd, tl) -> hd
         member this.tl =
           match f, r with
             | EmptyStack, _ -> failwith "empty"
             | StackNode(x, f), r -> check(f, r)
         member this.enqueue(x) = check(f, StackNode(x, r))
         static member empty = Queue<'a>(Stack.empty, Stack.empty)
   type color = R | B    
   type 'a tree =
        | E
        | T of color * 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
   module Tree =
        let hd = function
          | E -> failwith "empty"
          | T(c, l, x, r) -> x
        let left = function
          | E -> failwith "empty"
          | T(c, l, x, r) -> l
        let right = function
          | E -> failwith "empty"
          | T(c, l, x, r) -> r
        let rec exists item = function
          | E -> false
          | T(c, l, x, r) ->
              if item = x then true
              elif item < x then exists item l
              else exists item r
        let balance = function                              (* Red nodes in relation to black root *)
          | B, T(R, T(R, a, x, b), y, c), z, d            (* Left, left *)
          | B, T(R, a, x, T(R, b, y, c)), z, d            (* Left, right *)
          | B, a, x, T(R, T(R, b, y, c), z, d)            (* Right, left *)
          | B, a, x, T(R, b, y, T(R, c, z, d))            (* Right, right *)
              -> T(R, T(B, a, x, b), y, T(B, c, z, d))
          | c, l, x, r -> T(c, l, x, r)
        let insert item tree =
          let rec ins = function
            | E -> T(R, E, item, E)
            | T(c, a, y, b) as node ->
                if item = y then node
                elif item < y then balance(c, ins a, y, b)
                else balance(c, a, y, ins b)
          (* Forcing root node to be black *)                
          match ins tree with
            | E -> failwith "Should never return empty from an insert"
            | T(_, l, x, r) -> T(B, l, x, r)
        let rec print (spaces : int) = function
          | E -> ()
          | T(c, l, x, r) ->
              print (spaces + 4) r
              printfn "%s %A%A" (new System.String(' ', spaces)) c x
              print (spaces + 4) l
    type BinaryTree<'a when 'a : comparison> (inner : 'a tree) =
        member this.hd = Tree.hd inner
        member this.left = BinaryTree(Tree.left inner)
        member this.right = BinaryTree(Tree.right inner)
        member this.exists item = Tree.exists item inner
        member this.insert item = BinaryTree(Tree.insert item inner)
        member this.print() = Tree.print 0 inner
        static member empty = BinaryTree<'a>(E)
   type 'a heap =
        | EmptyHeap
        | HeapNode of int * 'a * 'a heap * 'a heap
   module Heap =
        let height = function
            | EmptyHeap -> 0
            | HeapNode(h, _, _, _) -> h
        (* Helper function to restore the leftist property *)        
        let makeT (x, a, b) =
            if height a >= height b then HeapNode(height b + 1, x, a, b)
            else HeapNode(height a + 1, x, b, a)
        let rec merge comparer = function
            | x, EmptyHeap -> x
            | EmptyHeap, x -> x
            | (HeapNode(_, x, l1, r1) as h1), (HeapNode(_, y, l2, r2) as h2) ->
                if comparer x y <= 0 then makeT(x, l1, merge comparer (r1, h2))
                else makeT (y, l2, merge comparer (h1, r2))
        let hd = function
            | EmptyHeap -> failwith "empty"
            | HeapNode(h, x, l, r) -> x
        let tl comparer = function
            | EmptyHeap -> failwith "empty"
            | HeapNode(h, x, l, r) -> merge comparer (l, r)
        let rec to_seq comparer = function
            | EmptyHeap -> Seq.empty
            | HeapNode(h, x, l, r) as node -> seq { yield x; yield! to_seq comparer (tl comparer node) }
    type 'a BinaryHeap(comparer : 'a -> 'a -> int, inner : 'a heap) =
        (* private *)
        member this.inner = inner
        (* public *)
        member this.hd = Heap.hd inner
        member this.tl = BinaryHeap(comparer, Heap.tl comparer inner)
        member this.merge (other : BinaryHeap<_>) = BinaryHeap(comparer, Heap.merge comparer (inner, other.inner))
        member this.insert x = BinaryHeap(comparer, Heap.merge comparer (inner,(HeapNode(1, x, EmptyHeap, EmptyHeap))))
        interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'a> with
            member this.GetEnumerator() = (Heap.to_seq comparer inner).GetEnumerator()
        interface System.Collections.IEnumerable with
            member this.GetEnumerator() = (Heap.to_seq comparer inner :> System.Collections.IEnumerable).GetEnumerator()
        static member make(comparer) = BinaryHeap<_>(comparer, EmptyHeap)
    type 'a lazyStack =
        | Node of Lazy<'a * 'a lazyStack>
        | EmptyStack
    module LazyStack =
        let (|Cons|Nil|) = function
            | Node(item) ->
                let hd, tl = item.Force()
                Cons(hd, tl)
            | EmptyStack -> Nil
        let hd = function
            | Cons(hd, tl) -> hd
            | Nil -> failwith "empty"
        let tl = function
           | Cons(hd, tl) -> tl
           | Nil -> failwith "empty"
        let cons(hd, tl) = Node(lazy(hd, tl))
        let empty = EmptyStack
        let rec append x y =
            match x with
            | Cons(hd, tl) -> Node(lazy(printfn "appending... got %A" hd; hd, append tl y))
            | Nil -> y
        let rec iter f = function
            | Cons(hd, tl) -> f(hd); iter f tl
            | Nil -> ()

maintenance.fs (主程序尝试使用这些库(

///////////////// preparing the data ////////////////////
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
open AwesomeCollections
open AwesomeCollections.Stack
open AwesomeCollections.Heap

let stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let x = File.ReadAllLines "C:UsersFaguiDocumentsGitHubLearning FsharpAlgo StanfordPA 6 - median.txt"
let lowheap = new BinaryHeap<int>(compare,EmptyHeap)
let highheap = new BinaryHeap<int>(compare,EmptyHeap)


// this file used without the fsi file works
// but i don't know why
(* AwesomeCollections_bis.fs *)
namespace AwesomeCollections
   type 'a stack =
    | EmptyStack
    | StackNode of 'a * 'a stack
   module Stack =        
      let hd = function
        | EmptyStack -> failwith "Empty stack"
        | StackNode(hd, tl) -> hd
      let tl = function
        | EmptyStack -> failwith "Empty stack"
        | StackNode(hd, tl) -> tl
      let cons hd tl = StackNode(hd, tl)
      let empty = EmptyStack
      let rec rev s =
          let rec loop acc = function
            | EmptyStack -> acc
            | StackNode(hd, tl) -> loop (StackNode(hd, acc)) tl
          loop EmptyStack s

   type Queue<'a>(f : stack<'a>, r : stack<'a>) =
     let check = function
         | EmptyStack, r -> Queue(Stack.rev r, EmptyStack)
         | f, r -> Queue(f, r)
     member this.hd =
         match f with
           | EmptyStack -> failwith "empty"
           | StackNode(hd, tl) -> hd
     member this.tl =
         match f, r with
           | EmptyStack, _ -> failwith "empty"
           | StackNode(x, f), r -> check(f, r)
     member this.enqueue(x) = check(f, StackNode(x, r))
     static member empty = Queue<'a>(Stack.empty, Stack.empty)
   type color = R | B    
     type 'a tree =
        | E
        | T of color * 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
   module Tree =
        let hd = function
          | E -> failwith "empty"
          | T(c, l, x, r) -> x
        let left = function
          | E -> failwith "empty"
          | T(c, l, x, r) -> l
        let right = function
          | E -> failwith "empty"
          | T(c, l, x, r) -> r
        let rec exists item = function
          | E -> false
          | T(c, l, x, r) ->
              if item = x then true
              elif item < x then exists item l
              else exists item r
        let balance = function                              (* Red nodes in relation to black root *)
          | B, T(R, T(R, a, x, b), y, c), z, d            (* Left, left *)
          | B, T(R, a, x, T(R, b, y, c)), z, d            (* Left, right *)
          | B, a, x, T(R, T(R, b, y, c), z, d)            (* Right, left *)
          | B, a, x, T(R, b, y, T(R, c, z, d))            (* Right, right *)
              -> T(R, T(B, a, x, b), y, T(B, c, z, d))
          | c, l, x, r -> T(c, l, x, r)
        let insert item tree =
          let rec ins = function
            | E -> T(R, E, item, E)
            | T(c, a, y, b) as node ->
                if item = y then node
                elif item < y then balance(c, ins a, y, b)
                else balance(c, a, y, ins b)
          (* Forcing root node to be black *)                
          match ins tree with
            | E -> failwith "Should never return empty from an insert"
            | T(_, l, x, r) -> T(B, l, x, r)
        let rec print (spaces : int) = function
          | E -> ()
          | T(c, l, x, r) ->
              print (spaces + 4) r
              printfn "%s %A%A" (new System.String(' ', spaces)) c x
              print (spaces + 4) l
    type BinaryTree<'a when 'a : comparison> (inner : 'a tree) =
        member this.hd = Tree.hd inner
        member this.left = BinaryTree(Tree.left inner)
        member this.right = BinaryTree(Tree.right inner)
        member this.exists item = Tree.exists item inner
        member this.insert item = BinaryTree(Tree.insert item inner)
        member this.print() = Tree.print 0 inner
        static member empty = BinaryTree<'a>(E)
    type 'a heap =
        | EmptyHeap
        | HeapNode of int * 'a * 'a heap * 'a heap
   module Heap =
        let height = function
            | EmptyHeap -> 0
            | HeapNode(h, _, _, _) -> h
        (* Helper function to restore the leftist property *)        
        let makeT (x, a, b) =
            if height a >= height b then HeapNode(height b + 1, x, a, b)
            else HeapNode(height a + 1, x, b, a)
        let rec merge comparer = function
            | x, EmptyHeap -> x
            | EmptyHeap, x -> x
            | (HeapNode(_, x, l1, r1) as h1), (HeapNode(_, y, l2, r2) as h2) ->
                if comparer x y <= 0 then makeT(x, l1, merge comparer (r1, h2))
                else makeT (y, l2, merge comparer (h1, r2))
        let hd = function
            | EmptyHeap -> failwith "empty"
            | HeapNode(h, x, l, r) -> x
        let tl comparer = function
            | EmptyHeap -> failwith "empty"
            | HeapNode(h, x, l, r) -> merge comparer (l, r)
        let rec to_seq comparer = function
            | EmptyHeap -> Seq.empty
            | HeapNode(h, x, l, r) as node -> seq { yield x; yield! to_seq comparer (tl comparer node) }
    type 'a BinaryHeap(comparer : 'a -> 'a -> int, inner : 'a heap) =
        (* private *)
        member this.inner = inner
        (* public *)
        member this.hd = Heap.hd inner
        member this.tl = BinaryHeap(comparer, Heap.tl comparer inner)
        member this.merge (other : BinaryHeap<_>) = BinaryHeap(comparer, Heap.merge comparer (inner, other.inner))
        member this.insert x = BinaryHeap(comparer, Heap.merge comparer (inner,(HeapNode(1, x, EmptyHeap, EmptyHeap))))
        interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'a> with
            member this.GetEnumerator() = (Heap.to_seq comparer inner).GetEnumerator()
        interface System.Collections.IEnumerable with
            member this.GetEnumerator() = (Heap.to_seq comparer inner :> System.Collections.IEnumerable).GetEnumerator()
        static member make(comparer) = BinaryHeap<_>(comparer, EmptyHeap)
    type 'a lazyStack =
        | Node of Lazy<'a * 'a lazyStack>
        | EmptyStack
    module LazyStack =
        let (|Cons|Nil|) = function
            | Node(item) ->
                let hd, tl = item.Force()
                Cons(hd, tl)
            | EmptyStack -> Nil
        let hd = function
            | Cons(hd, tl) -> hd
            | Nil -> failwith "empty"
        let tl = function
           | Cons(hd, tl) -> tl
           | Nil -> failwith "empty"
        let cons(hd, tl) = Node(lazy(hd, tl))
        let empty = EmptyStack
        let rec append x y =
            match x with
            | Cons(hd, tl) -> Node(lazy(printfn "appending... got %A" hd; hd, append tl y))
            | Nil -> y
        let rec iter f = function
            | Cons(hd, tl) -> f(hd); iter f tl
            | Nil -> ()




let highheap = new BinaryHeap<int>(compare,EmptyHeap)


let highheap = BinaryHeap.make compare

这可能不是特别惯用的 F# 设计,但我想它主要是一个示例而不是维护库。FSharpX 集合库中可能有一些替代方案。


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