媒体查询在iPhone 5上失败

在模拟iPhone5的Google Chrome中,测试页面按预期工作:通过直接媒体查询、Javascript媒体查询和简单Javascript检测到宽度=568和高度=320。然而,在真正的iPhone5中,直接媒体查询和javascript媒体查询失败,即使javascript正确检测屏幕宽度&高度。我错过了什么?

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, 
          minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" />
    @media screen and (device-height:320px)  and (device-width:568px) {
      .deviceID:after { 
        content: ' ht=320 wid=568';
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      .deviceID:after { 
        content: ' ht=568 wid=320';
    var mq;
    mq = window.matchMedia( "(device-height:320px)" ); ht320=mq.matches;
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    mq = window.matchMedia( "(resolution:2.0dppx)" );  res20=mq.matches; 
    var res  = window.devicePixelRatio?window.devicePixelRatio:1;
    var or   = window.orientation;
    var aht  = getHeight();
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    var ht   = screen.height;
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    document.write( "<span class='deviceID'>Device: </span>" +
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                    " res20="+res20 +
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    function getOrientation() {
      var vor = window.orientation;
      return (vor==undefined) ? "landscape" : 
             ( Math.abs(window.orientation)-90 == 0 ? "landscape" : "portrait" );
    function getWidth(){
      return getOrientation() == "landscape" ? screen.availHeight : screen.availWidth;
    function getHeight(){
      return getOrientation() == "landscape" ? screen.availWidth : screen.availHeight;



