使用 Linux Eclipse,我可以以编程方式判断我正在调试器 (gdb) 中执行

这个主题几乎涵盖了它:使用Linux Eclipse,我能以编程方式判断我正在调试器(gdb)中执行吗?


例如,您可以检查/proc//status 文件中的"TracerPid",以确定是否正在跟踪您。


// effectively performs  `cat /proc/$pid/status | grep TracerPid`
bool     RunningInDebugger( pid_t pid )
   std::string       line        = "";
   std::string       pidFileName = "";
   size_t            y           = 0;
   size_t            x           = 0;
   bool              rc          = FALSE;
   pidFileName = "/proc/";
   pidFileName = pidFileName.append( NumToStr( pid ).c_str() );
   pidFileName = pidFileName.append( "/status" );
   std::ifstream     pidFile  (pidFileName.c_str() );
   if ( pidFile.is_open() )
      while ( pidFile.good() )
         getline (pidFile,line);
         x = line.find( "TracerPid:" );
         if ( x != std::string::npos )
            line = line.substr( x+11 );                        // length of "TracerPid:" + 1
            x = line.find_first_not_of( " t" );               // find first non whitespace character
            y = line.find_first_of( " ", x );                  // next whitespace
            if ( std::string::npos == y )                      // can't find trailing spaces that aren't there
               y = line.size() - 1;
            rc = atoi( line.substr( x, y-x+1 ).c_str() );
            pidFile.close();                                   // pidFile will no longer be "good"
   else     // File open failed
      rc = FALSE;
   return rc;
