指定在 symfony 2 及更高版本中检索路由对象的方法

我找到了这个答案 如何在 Symfony 中使用 getRoute 获取对象及其翻译?.但这是symfony 1.x的解决方案。

我使用注释进行路由,目前在symfony 3.1.9中,虽然这有效,但我想指定用于从数据库中加载id的URL对象的方法。原因是连接一些表,所以我的查询更少。

这可以在symfony 2/3中完成吗?


 * View the recipe with the given ID if it is available in the current
 * locale.
 * @param Request $request
 * @param MyNameMyBundleEntityRecipe $object
 * @return Response A Response instance
 * @throws NotFoundHttpException
 * @Route("/{id}", options={"method" = "ernst"})
 * @Method({"GET"})
 * @Breadcrumb("{object.name}")
public function viewAction(Request $request, MyNameMyBundleEntityRecipe $object = null)
    // do stuff


 * Recipe
 * @ORMTable()
 * @ORMEntity(repositoryClass="MyNameMyBundleRepositoryRecipeRepository")
class Recipe


 * View the recipe with the given ID if it is available in the current
 * locale.
 * @param Request $request
 * @param MyNameMyBundleEntityRecipe $object
 * @return Response A Response instance
 * @throws NotFoundHttpException
 * @Route("/{id}")
 * @ParamConverter("object", options={
 *     "repository_method" = "findForLocale",
 *     "mapping": {"_locale": "locale", "id": "id"},
 *     "map_method_signature" = true
 * })
 * @Method({"GET"})
 * @Breadcrumb("{object.name}")
public function viewAction(Request $request, MyNameMyBundleEntityRecipe $object)
    // do stuff


class RecipeRepository extends EntityRepository
     * Return the recipe for the given id associated with the needed information
     * to show on the recipe detail page. The current locale is set as a condition.
     * @param string $locale
     * @param int $id
     * @return VaartiesDwehBundleEntityRecipe
    public function findForLocale($locale, $id)
        $queryBuilder = $this->findAllForLocale($locale);
            ->andWhere('e.id = :id')
            ->setParameter('id', $id);
        return $queryBuilder
     * Find all objects of the current entity joined with all off its translations
     * for the language in the given locale.
     * TODO: See if the complete locale needs to be checked and the language
     *       only as a fallback. See https://github.com/KnpLabs/DoctrineBehaviors/issues/309
     * @param string $locale
     * @return QueryBuilder
    public function findAllForLocale($locale)
        $language = $this->getLanguageFromLocale($locale);
        $queryBuilder = $this->findAllJoinedToTranslation();
            ->where('t.locale = :locale')
            ->setParameter('locale', $language);
        return $queryBuilder;
     * Find all objects of the current entity joined with all off its translations.
     * @return QueryBuilder
    public function findAllJoinedToTranslation()
        // A QueryBuilder is returned for use in the KnpPaginatorBundle for it being
        // able to add sorting and filtering.
        return $this->createQueryBuilder('e')
                ->select('e, t')
                ->join('e.translations', 't');
     * The language part from the locale is returned. If the locale doesn't contain
     * an underscore, the whole locale is returned.
     * @param string $locale
     * @return string
    protected function getLanguageFromLocale($locale)
        $localeParts = explode('_', $locale);
        if (is_array($localeParts)) {
            $language = reset($localeParts);
        } else {
            $language = $locale;
        return $language;
