Applescript 性能分析/效率:从应用程序导出对象列表和对象详细信息

我正在尝试从提醒应用程序中导出提醒数据。下面的脚本将执行此操作,但需要很长时间(第一次迭代花了 100 分钟,第二次迭代仍在运行(。

我已经读到发送AppleEvents(在这种情况下大约1000个(是扼杀性能的原因,但修复很少(我已经阅读过将脚本封装在scriptend scriptrun script中,但这似乎没有任何作用(。

我没有尝试过的一个有前途但乏味的途径是分别抓取所有十列,然后将它们paste unix。


set output to "Title,Notes,Completed,Completion Date,List,Creation Date,Due Date,Modification Date,Remind Me Date,Priorityn"
tell application "Reminders"
    set rs to reminders in application "Reminders"
    repeat with r in rs
        set output to output & """ & name of r & "","" & body of r & "","" & completed of r & "","" & completion date of r & "","" & name of container of r & "","" & creation date of r & "","" & due date of r & "","" & modification date of r & "","" & remind me date of r & "","" & priority of r & ""n"
    end repeat
end tell
return output

我晚了大约一年,但也许其他人会发现这个解决方案很有用。 诀窍是在变量rs中存储对提醒的引用。 这样,AppleScript只需浏览一次每个提醒即可在repeat循环中检索其属性。

    use application "Reminders"
    set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "|"
    set output to {{"Title", "Notes", "Completed", "Completion Date", ¬
        "List", "Creation Date", "Due Date", "Modification Date", ¬
        "Remind Me Date", "Priority"} as text}

    set rs to a reference to reminders
    repeat with r in (a reference to reminders)
        get {name, body, completed, completion date, ¬
            name of container, creation date, due date, ¬
            modification date, remind me date, priority} ¬
            of r
        set end of output to the result as text
    end repeat
    set text item delimiters of AppleScript to "n"
    return output as text


    set everything to the properties of rs


    repeat with r in everything
        (* same as above *)
