C语言 在不按回车键的情况下读取命令提示符输入


//The linux program included something like this:
//collecting original structure formate
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &normTerm); 
//assigning the original structure format to the temporary structure format
tempTerm = normTerm; 
//making the temporary structure format into raw form
//setting the structure format to the raw form
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &tempTerm);
//cfmakeraw() turns the structure at the address into the raw terminal attributes desired
//insert function that asks the user to input their password with all the flags changed so that you can't read what you have typed
    tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &normTerm);

如果我可以使用 C 在 Windows 中的命令提示符下制作具有相同功能的东西,那就太好了,但人们一直说"在 C 中不可能使用便携式解决方案"。我不介意它是否只适用于这台电脑,我只希望它能工作。


The code I have written so far is below
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <termios.h>

void main()
    //seeding random number generator
    //char variables for actual and desired user input
    char input = 0;
    char testCharacter = 1;
    //float variables for calculating accuracy
    float countCorrect = 0;
    float countTotal = 5;
    float accuracy = 0;
    //temp variables for program operations
    int iterations = int(countTotal);
    int characterIndex = 0; 
    long startTime = time(NULL);    
        //I am aware of the asymmetry of this, I might get around to fixing it latter
        characterIndex = (rand() %52) + 1;
        //printf("Value returned by random num gen is %dn", characterIndex);
        //The following is messy because I don't use all the ascii characters
        //I could also probably just write a number to the char variable and then treat it as a letter to do away with the switch case statements, but I will look into that latter
        characterIndex += 64;
        if(characterIndex >= 91)
            characterIndex = characterIndex + 7;
        //switch case statements go here
        printf("Please type the letter below:n%cn", testCharacter);
        //This is the bit I want to modify to not require the enter key
        scanf("%c", &input);
        //something like 
        while(keyboard buffer is empty)
        flush keyboard into &input
        //maybe I could use a shell command to manually press enter whenever the keyboard buffer isn't empty???
        //keeps track of correct answers
        if(input == testCharacter)
            //printf("The letter %c was typed and was correctn", input);           
            //printf("The letter %c was typed and was incorrectn", input);
        iterations = iterations - 1;
    //calculates time difference in seconds
    long timeDifference = time(NULL) - startTime;
    //calculates accuracy
    accuracy = 100.0 * (countCorrect / countTotal);
    printf("Accuracy achieve was %f%nThe time taken was %d secondsnPress any key to continue: ", accuracy, timeDifference);
    scanf("%c", &input);    
    return 0;

怎么回事? 基本上,您将控制台重置为无缓冲,读取时没有换行符,也没有回显,这会阻止字符出现。 若要回显,请将 SetConsoleMode 更改为 ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT 而不是 0。 想要正常输入后,重置控制台模式,这是最后一行。

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    DWORD        mode;
    HANDLE       hstdin;
    hstdin = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );
    GetConsoleMode( hstdin, &mode );
    SetConsoleMode( hstdin, mode & ~(ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT));
    char result;
    printf("Press x to exit");
        result = getchar();
        if(result == 'x')
    SetConsoleMode(hstdin, mode);
    return 0;
