蚂蚁 - 文件的年龄

  • 本文关键字:文件 蚂蚁 ant
  • 更新时间 :
  • 英文 :


我想检查指定的文件是否超过 1 周。


<olderthan property="property.name" file="checked.file" days="7"/>



<!-- Check if specified file is newer than age in seconds -->
<scriptdef name="isNewerThan" uri="composer.ant.mleko" language="javascript">
    <attribute name="file"/> <!-- The file to check. -->
    <attribute name="age"/> <!-- The threshold of file age in seconds. -->
    <attribute name="property"/> <!-- The name of property to set. -->
    <attribute name="value"/> <!-- The value to set the property to. Defaults to "true". -->
    <attribute name="else"/> <!-- The value to set the property to if the condition evaluates to false. By default the property will remain unset. -->
        var fileName = attributes.get("file");
        var age = attributes.get("age");
        var property = attributes.get("property");
        var value = attributes.get("value");
        var elseValue = attributes.get("else");
        var maxAge = parseInt(age, 10);
        if(null === fileName)self.fail("`file` is required");
        if(null === age || isNaN(maxAge))self.fail("`age` is required and must be valid int string");
        if(null === property)self.fail("`property` is required");
        if(null === value)value="true";
        var file = new java.io.File(fileName);
        var ageInSeconds = (Date.now() - file.lastModified())/1000;
        if(ageInSeconds < maxAge){
            project.setProperty(property, value);
        }else if(null !== elseValue){
            project.setProperty(property, elseValue);

要将 <touch><uptodate><tstamp> 一起使用:

    <format property="one.week.ago" offset="-7" unit="day" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa"/>
<touch file="source-file.txt" datetime="${one.week.ago}"/>
    <srcfiles dir= "." includes="source-file.txt"/>
<condition property="is-target-file-out-of-date" value="true" else="false">
    <isset property="target-file-modified-in-previous-week"/>
<echo>is-target-file-out-of-date: ${is-target-file-out-of-date}</echo>
