为 Tup 运行的命令设置管道失败

在大量的 Tupfiles 中,我使用了大量的流水线,例如

: input |> < %f command1 | command2 > %o |> output

这样做的问题是 Tup 调用system,它在 sh 中执行这些 :-rules,不支持 set -o pipefail 。因此,如果只有command1失败,tup 仍将将其标记为成功,因为它的退出代码为 0。这是非常成问题的。



: input |> < %f command1 > %o |> intermediate
: intermediate |> < %f command2 > %o |> output


b( 我可以将每个命令包装在bash中,如下所示:

: input |> bash -c 'set -o pipefail && < %f command1 | command2 > %o' |> output

这似乎稍微好一点,因为它涉及较少的重写,并且避免了io,但仍然非常麻烦。它还需要转义我的 :-rules 中的任何'

理想情况下,会有 Tup 配置,可以指定使用哪个 shell/解释器来读取 :-rules。理想情况下,还会有一个通用前缀的配置,因此所有脚本都可以使用 set -o pipefail && 或其他任何我想要的东西运行。据我所知,这不可能立即实现。每当 tup 调用规则时,都需要编写围绕 system 的包装器。但是,也许我错过了Tup的某些方面,这些方面可以允许比提出的两个解决方案更优雅的东西。

编辑:虽然对系统的调用确实允许我将管道失败"注入"到对系统的调用中。我错误地陈述了程序使用系统运行的事实。在邮件列表的一些帮助下,事实证明它们实际上是使用 execle .下面是我用来做插入的代码,以防有人想完成同样的事情。


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int execle(const char* path, const char* arg0, ...) {
    /* We're going to interpose this function, modify the arguments if we need
     * to, and then convert it into a call to execve. Due to a weirdness in the
     * consts of the api, we need to discard a const qualifier on the
     * characters in the arguments. The call is `int execve(const char*
     * filename, char* const argv[], char* const envp[]);` but it should
     * probably be `int execve(const char* filename, const char* const argv[],
     * char* const envp[]);` at the very least, e.g. arguments shouldn't be
     * modified. These aren't actually modified by the call, so in order to
     * avoid the inefficiency of copying the strings into memory we don't need,
     * we just do this unsafely and compile with `-Wno-discarded-qualifiers`.
     * */
    // Count the number of variable arguments for malloc
    unsigned int num_args;
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, arg0);
    if (arg0) {
        num_args = 1;
        while(va_arg(ap, const char*)) {
    } else {
        num_args = 0;
    char* const* env = va_arg(ap, char* const*); // Also grab env
    // Test for specific tup execle call
    va_start(ap, arg0);
    int intercept = num_args == 4
        && strcmp(path, "/bin/sh") == 0
        && strcmp(arg0, "/bin/sh") == 0
        && strcmp(va_arg(ap, const char*), "-e") == 0
        && strcmp(va_arg(ap, const char*), "-c") == 0;
    // Switch on whether to intercept the call, or pass it on
    /*const*/ char** args;
    if (intercept) { // We want to switch to bash with pipefail enabled
        args = malloc(7 * sizeof(args));
        path = "/bin/bash";
        args[0] = "/bin/bash";
        args[1] = "-e";
        args[2] = "-o";
        args[3] = "pipefail";
        args[4] = "-c";
        va_start(ap, arg0);
        va_arg(ap, const char*);
        va_arg(ap, const char*);
        args[5] = va_arg(ap, const char*); // command
        args[6] = NULL;
    } else { // Just copy args into a null terminated array for execve
        args = malloc((num_args + 1) * sizeof(*args));
        char** ref = args;
        if (arg0) {
            *ref++ = arg0;
            const char* arg;
            va_start(ap, arg0);
            while ((arg = va_arg(ap, const char*))) {
                *ref++ = arg;
        *ref = NULL;
    int error_code = execve(path, args, env);
    return error_code;


switch(pid = fork()) {
  case 0:
    // Modify command to prepend "set -o pipefail &&" to it.
    execl("/bin/bash", "bash", "-c", command, (char *) 0);
 case -1: // handle fork error
    waitpid(pid, ...);


如果您不想进行低级进程管理,可以插入system将命令包装在bash -c "set -o pipefail && "中并转义引号,然后调用原始system。请参阅这篇有关库干预的文章。
