我想,计算发生在VBA内存和计算后,只发生值粘贴在一行MS EXcel

  • 本文关键字:计算 EXcel MS 一行 内存 VBA 我想 excel vba
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我希望计算发生在VBA内存中,计算发生后,仅将值粘贴在MS Excel中的一行。



Sub SumIFF()
 Dim k As Integer
 Dim l As Integer
 Dim ws1 As Worksheet
 Set ws1 = Worksheets("Input") 'whatever you worksheet is
      k = 2 'this is the first row where your data will output
      l = 2 'this is the first row where you want to check for data
Do Until Range("A" & l) = "" 'This will loop until column U is empty, set the column to whatever you want but it cannot have blanks in it, or it will stop looping. Choose a column that is always going to have data in it.
        ws1.Range("X" & k).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIF(R2C21:RC[-3],RC[-3],R2C22:RC[-2])" 'reference SUMIF formula 

        k = k + 1 'Advances k and l when there is a matching case
        l = l + 1
End Sub

设置应用程序。在执行计算之前ScreenUpdating = False,然后用Application恢复。ScreenUpdating = True - Pieter Geerkens 7月15日22:05
