

'Salamander specializes in disguising in the green woods, mainly in oak forests salamanders will hide and lure to wait for your loot, they will then jump out and do a sneak attack. Be prepared!'


lore.add(kitConfig.getString("kits." + kitName + ".description"));


public static ArrayList<String> splitLore(String text, int characters) {
    ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>(); // Create the ArrayList that will contain the lore lines
    if (text.length() <= characters) { // If the line of text is short enough (doesn't need to be split)...
        lore.add(text); // Add the entire line to the list and return it
    } else { // If the line is longer and needs to be split into at least two lines...
        int beginIndex = 0; // A "begin index" where each substring or segment will begin
        while (beginIndex <= text.length() - 1) { // If the index is not larger than the last character index in the line of text...
            lore.add(text.substring(beginIndex, Math.min(beginIndex + characters, text.length()))); // Add the segment
            beginIndex += characters;
            // This will also add any trailing segments at the end of the line that are shorter than the character limit
    return lore;


String lore = "This is a long description of an item's lore that needs to be broken down"
ItemMeta meta = // ... Get the ItemMeta object of an ItemStack
meta.setLore(splitLore(lore, 10)); // Splits the single line into multiple ones containing 10 or less characters



public static ArrayList<String> splitLoreNicely(String text, int characters) {
    ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<>();
    String[] words = text.split(" "); // Get the "words" in the line of text by splitting the space characters
    int wordsUsed = 0; // A counter for how many words have been placed in lines so far
    while (wordsUsed < words.length) { // Repeat this process until all words have been placed into separate lines
        String line = ""; // The line that will be added to the lore list
        for (int i = wordsUsed; i < words.length; i++) { // For each remaining word in the array
            if (line.length() + words[i].length() >= characters) { // If adding the next word exceeds or matches the character limit...
                line += words[i]; // Add the last word in the line without a space character
                break; // Break out of this inner loop, since we have reached/exceeded the character limit for this line
            } else { // If adding this word does not exceed or match the character limit... 
                line += words[i] + " "; // Add the word with a space character, continue for loop
        lore.add(line); // Add the line of text to the list
    return lore;
