非对称横向滚动(又名水平滚动)应该在 vim 中做正确的事情

我很高兴在我的 .vimrc 中设置scrolloff=999 - 这使光标始终位于屏幕中央,让我只需考虑移动光标并重新调整所有垂直滚动键绑定的用途。

我希望水平滚动也能自动工作(当设置nowrap时),并且最近发现了sidescrolloff,但将其设置为高值不会带来良好的体验 - 编辑行尾时,行首经常从屏幕上消失。

有没有办法让 vim 将光标保持在屏幕右边缘至少 n 个字符,同时尽可能急切地将滚动返回到最左侧?


horizontalScrollPos = max(cursorPos + n - screenWidth, 0)

似乎没有 vim 附带的选项可以让你做你想做的事。 但是,它可以通过一些vim魔法(或黑客)来完成。

" Only scroll once to the side when you hit the side of the screen.
" (or the padding specified in sidescrolloff)
set sidescroll=1
" This sets the padding on the right side of the screen.
set sidescrolloff=4
" Make a script-local function for use in a later autocommand.  It
" is not made global because nothing else should need to use it.
function s:FixScroll()
    " Check if wrap is set, and if it is, return from the function.
    " This is so that the entire function isn't run if wrap is on.
    if &wrap
        return 0
    " This if statement checks if the horizontal scroll amount is
    " 0, and returns from the function if it is.  This way
    " the rest of the function isn't run when unnecessary.
    elseif col(".") - wincol() - &fdc + &number * &numberwidth ==# 0
        return 0
    " Figure out which column that the cursor needs to be in when
    " scrolling.  'sidescrolloff` is the option set earlier, or
    " the padding from the right side of the screen.
    let l:targetcol = winwidth(0) - &sidescrolloff
    " This checks to see if the cursor is to the left of the target
    " column.  
    if wincol() < l:targetcol
        " Figure out how far to scroll to the left to get the
        " cursor in the target column.
        let l:move_amount = l:targetcol - wincol()
        " Use 'zh' to scroll to the left by the specified amount
        " using the exe command.
        exe 'normal! ' . l:move_amount . 'zh'
" Run the local fixscroll function every time the cursor is moved in
" normal or insert mode.
autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI * call <SID>FixScroll()


:help 'sidescrolloff'
:help 'sidescroll'
:help col()
:help wincol()
:help winwidth()
:help zh
:help zl
:help autocmd-groups-abc
