

moneytalk = int(input("your people doesn't like the new tax do you want to tell them why you have made it so high? 1 = yes, 2 = no"))
if moneytalk == 1:
    talkingmoney = int(input("1 = we have been losing so much money that the goverment needs more, 2 = we have trades that we need to have money for, 3 = its under our avrage right now so we need to higher it"))
    if talkingmoney == 1:
        if my_stats_on_my_city["Gold"] <= 1000:
             print ("your people belive in you and they are no angry with you")
            moneyrandom = randint(1, 10)
            if moneyrandom >= 6:
                print ("they belive you")
                print ("they know you are lying and are even more upset now")
                My_people_info["Happines"] -= 5;
                My_people_info["Happines"] -= int(higher);
    elif talkingmoney == 2:
        pass #i will add here after the trading system
    elif talkingmoney == 3:
elif moneytalk == 2:
    My_people_info["Happines"] -= 3;
    My_people_info["Happines"] -= int(higher);


elif moneytalk == 2:
IndentationError: expected an indented block
    elif talkingmoney == 2:
        pass #i will add here after the trading system
    elif talkingmoney == 3:
elif moneytalk == 2:
    My_people_info["Happines"] -= 3;
    My_people_info["Happines"] -= int(higher);

您在elif talkingmoney == 3:分支下没有任何代码。至少需要有一个pass语句。

moneytalk = int(input("your people doesn't like the new tax do you want to tell them why you have made it so high? 1 = yes, 2 = no"))
if moneytalk == 1:
    talkingmoney = int(input("1 = we have been losing so much money that the goverment needs more, 2 = we have trades that we need to have money for, 3 = its under our avrage right now so we need to higher it"))
    if talkingmoney == 1:
        if my_stats_on_my_city["Gold"] <= 1000:
             print ("your people belive in you and they are no angry with you")
            moneyrandom = randint(1, 10)
            if moneyrandom >= 6:
                print ("they belive you")
                print ("they know you are lying and are even more upset now")
                My_people_info["Happines"] -= 5;
                My_people_info["Happines"] -= int(higher);
    elif talkingmoney == 2:
        pass #i will add here after the trading system
    elif talkingmoney == 3:
      # You need to paas any statement over here
elif moneytalk == 2:
    My_people_info["Happines"] -= 3;
    My_people_info["Happines"] -= int(higher);



Elif TalkingMoney == 3:
