



// 1) Create the enum and classes
public enum MyAnimals { Cat, Dog, Pig };
public abstract class Animal { internal MyAnimals _myType; 
                               public MyAnimals myType {get{return _myType;}} }
public class Cat : Animal { public Cat(){_myType = MyAnimals.Cat;} }
public class Dog : Animal { public Dog(){_myType = MyAnimals.Dog;} }
public class Pig : Animal { public Pig(){_myType = MyAnimals.Pig;} }
// 2) Instantiate a class and a variable using the enum
Dog aDog = new Dog(); // aDog.myType is 'Dog'
MyAnimals theAnimal; // Will default to 'Cat'
// 3) Change the variable to another enum
aDog.myType = MyAnimals.Cat; // Error, cant change Type!  Good!
theAnimal = MyAnimals.Pig;
// 4) Use the variable in a method call
public void Method( MyAnimals animal ) { ... }
Method( aDog.myType );
Method( theAnimal );


// 1) Create the enum  and classes
public static Type MyAnimals;
public static dynamic getAnimal(string name)
    dynamic theAnimal = Activator.CreateInstance(MyAnimals); // Will default to 'Cat'
    FieldInfo fi = MyAnimals.GetField(name);
    int iEnum = (int)fi.GetValue(MyAnimals);
    return Enum.ToObject(MyAnimals, iEnum);
public abstract class Animal { internal dynamic _myType; 
                               public dynamic myType { get { return _myType; } } }
public class Cat : Animal { public Cat() { _myType = getAnimal("Cat"); } }
public class Dog : Animal { public Dog() { _myType = getAnimal("Dog"); } }
public class Pig : Animal { public Pig() { _myType = getAnimal("Pig"); } }
// Get the current application domain for the current thread.
AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
// Create a dynamic assembly in the current application domain
AssemblyName aName = new AssemblyName("TempAssembly");
AssemblyBuilder ab = currentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(aName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule(aName.Name);
EnumBuilder eb = mb.DefineEnum("MyAnimalType", TypeAttributes.Public, typeof(int));
var types = new List<Type>();
int Count = 0;
foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
    types.AddRange(assembly.GetTypes().Where(x => x.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Animal))));
foreach (var type in types)
    eb.DefineLiteral(type.Name, Count++);
// Create the type
MyAnimals = eb.CreateType();
// 2) Instantiate a variable using the enum
Cat c = new Cat();
dynamic theAnimal = getAnimal("Pig");
// 3) Change the vairable to another enum
c.myType = getAnimal("Dog"); // Error, again, good
theAnimal = getAnimal("Dog");
// 4) Use the variable in a method call
public void Method( MyAnimals animal ) // Compile error: 'MyAnimals' is a field but used like a type.


  1. 一旦创建了运行时类型,就可以将其传递给为Enum类定义的任何静态方法,包括

    1. Enum.GetNames(runtmeType) -获取枚举定义名称的数组。
    2. Enum.GetValues(runtimeType) -获取枚举中定义成员值的数组。
    3. Enum.Parse(runtmeType, string) -将指定类型的枚举的名称或值的字符串表示形式转换为该类型的等效成员。
    4. Enum.ToObject(runtmeType, /*some integer type*/) -将整数转换为等效枚举成员。
  2. 枚举的所有成员都继承自Enum类,因此如果您想提前编写代码来处理运行时类型的枚举,您可以编写以Enum作为参数的非特定方法。(当然,如果这样做,您将失去一些编译时类型检查。)例如,您可以执行Enum myEnum = Enum.Parse(myAnimalType, "Pig"),然后将返回的myEnum传递给您想为其编写的任何方法。Enum本身有一些有用的实例方法,例如将其转换为各种类型的整数的方法。

  3. 接下来,如果您碰巧有一个泛型方法,将enum作为其输入参数之一,则可以使用MakeGenericMethod调用它。例如,如果您有以下方法和类:

    public static class EnumHelper
        public static ulong ToUInt64<TEnum>(TEnum value) where TEnum : struct, IConvertible, IComparable, IFormattable
            // Silently convert the value to UInt64 from the other base 
            // types for enum without throwing an exception.
            // This is need since the Convert functions do overflow checks.
            TypeCode typeCode = value.GetTypeCode();
            ulong result;
            switch (typeCode)
                case TypeCode.SByte:
                case TypeCode.Int16:
                case TypeCode.Int32:
                case TypeCode.Int64:
                        result = (UInt64)value.ToInt64(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                case TypeCode.Byte:
                case TypeCode.UInt16:
                case TypeCode.UInt32:
                case TypeCode.UInt64:
                case TypeCode.Boolean:
                case TypeCode.Char:
                        result = value.ToUInt64(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
            return result;


    MethodInfo method = typeof(EnumHelper).GetMethod("ToUInt64");
    MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(myEnum.GetType());
    UInt64 myValue = (UInt64)generic.Invoke(null, new object [] { myEnum } );
  4. 类似地,您可以使用MakeGenericType基于您的运行时类型创建泛型类的实例。例如,从枚举到字符串的字典如下所示:

    Type dictType = typeof(Dictionary<,>).MakeGenericType(runtimeType, typeof(string));
    var dict = Activator.CreateInstance(dictType);
  5. 您可以结合技术3和4来提前编写大部分代码。假设您知道要创建一种运行时类型的动物,并希望对其执行某些操作。您可以创建一个返回Enum实例的非通用顶级接口:

    public interface IEnumProcessor 
         IList<string> GetAllValues();
         bool ProcessInput(string userValue);
         Enum GetCurrentValue();


    public interface IEnumProcessor<TEnum> : IEnumProcessor where TEnum : struct, IConvertible, IComparable, IFormattable
         new TEnum GetCurrentValue();
         void AddSelectedValue(TEnum value);


    public class EnumProcessor<T> where TEnum : struct, IConvertible, IComparable, IFormattable



步骤3和4可以使用enumt . parse()方法完成:

var theAnimal = Enum.Parse(typeof(MyAnimals), "Pig");


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