使用 Java API 获取工作流故障异常

有谁知道如何使用 java pe API 获取工作流故障错误消息?我正在运行 IBM 提供的 QueueSample Java 代码,但我不清楚如何做到这一点。任何帮助将不胜感激!

我在VWParticipantHistory.getLogFields((数组中找到了工作流程的故障错误消息。我修改了使用 IBM FileNet P8 API 开发应用程序红皮书中的示例代码:

// Create session object and log onto Process Engine
// Get the specific work item
// Get VWProcess object from work object
VWProcess process = stepElement.fetchProcess();
// Get workflow definitions from the VWProcess
VWWorkflowDefinition workflowDefinition =
// Get maps for each workflow definition
VWMapDefinition[] workflowMaps = workflowDefinition.getMaps();
// Iterate through each map in the workflow Definition
for (int i = 0; i < workflowMaps.length; i++) {
// Get map ID and map name for each map definition
int mapID = workflowMaps[i].getMapId();
String mapName = workflowMaps[i].getName();
// Get workflow history information for each map
VWWorkflowHistory workflowHistory = process.fetchWorkflowHistory(mapID);
String workflowOriginator = workflowHistory.getOriginator();
// Iterate through each item in the Workflow History
while (workflowHistory.hasNext()) {
// Get step history objects for each workflow history
VWStepHistory stepHistory = workflowHistory.next();
String stepName = stepHistory.getStepName();
System.out.println("step history name = " + stepName);
// Iterate through each item in the Step History
while (stepHistory.hasNext()) {
// Get step occurrence history
// objects for each step history object
VWStepOccurrenceHistory stepOccurenceHistory = stepHistory.next();
Date stepOcurrenceDateReceived = stepOccurenceHistory.getDateReceived();
Date stepOcurrenceDateCompleted = stepOccurenceHistory.getCompletionDate();
while (stepOccurenceHistory.hasNext()) {
// Get step work object information
// for each step occurrence
VWStepWorkObjectHistory stepWorkObjectHistory = stepOccurenceHistory.next();
// Get participant information for each work object
while (stepWorkObjectHistory.hasNext()) {
VWParticipantHistory participantHistory = stepWorkObjectHistory.next();
String opName = participantHistory.getOperationName();
System.out.println("operation name = " + opName);
Date participantDateReceived = participantHistory.getDateReceived();
String participantComments = participantHistory.getComments();
String participantUser = participantHistory.getUserName();
String participantName = participantHistory.getParticipantName();
VWDataField[] logFields = participantHistory.getLogFields();
System.out.println("** start get log fields **");
for (int index=0; index<logFields.length; index++){
VWDataField dataField = logFields[index];  
String name = dataField.getName();
String val = dataField.getStringValue();
System.out.println("name = " + name + " , value = " + val);
System.out.println("** end get log fields **");
} // while stepWorkObjectHistory
} // while stepOccurenceHistory
} // while stepHistory
} // while workflowHistory
} // for workflow maps


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