
我正在尝试将nginx设置为kubernetes的身份验证代理。身份验证终结点在以逗号分隔的单个标头中返回用户的所有组(X-Groups=Group1,Group2(。但 kubernetes 希望每个组都在一个单独的标头中。如何用逗号拆分此标头值并添加具有相同标头名称的每个值?

以下是nginx服务器块(这是一个自包含的示例,它确实调用了虚拟端点而不是k8s api来验证代理是否传递了正确的标头(

server {
listen  80 default_server;
location /backend {
default_type application/json;
return 200 '{"user": "$http_x_remote_user", "groups", "$http_x_remote_groups"}';
server {
listen  443 ssl default_server;
location / {
auth_request /_auth;
auth_request_set $user $upstream_http_x_user;
auth_request_set $groups $upstream_http_x_groups;
proxy_pass http://localhost/backend;
proxy_set_header X-Remote-User $user;
proxy_set_header X-Remote-Groups $groups; # instead of this line I want to put some code which iterates on $groups variable value and add X-Remote-Group header for each of the value
location /_auth {
proxy_pass http://authentication_endpoint/login; # this returns X-User and X-Groups headers with a 200 status code for successful authentication)
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header        Content-Length "";
proxy_set_header X-Remote-User $ssl_client_s_dn;
ssl_certificate_key "/certs/server.key";
ssl_certificate "/certs/server.crt";
# this is required for verifying client certificate
ssl_verify_client       on;
ssl_client_certificate "/certs/ca.crt";
ssl_session_timeout  10m;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

尝试查看 kube-rbac-proxy。它有几个选项,在您的情况下可能非常有用:

$ kube-rbac-proxy -h 
Usage of _output/linux/amd64/kube-rbac-proxy: 
--auth-header-groups-field-name string        The name of the field inside an http(2) request header to tell the upstream server about the user's groups (default "x-remote-groups")
--auth-header-groups-field-separator string   The separator string used for concatenating multiple group names in a group header field's value (default "|")  

可以在此处找到其用法和 YAML 清单的示例。

检查您的ca.crt,您可能在其中遇到复制/粘贴错误。如果不正确,nginx将默默地忽略您的客户证书。使用适当的 CA k8s 对我来说效果很好,并且可以通过 $ssl_client_s_dn 就可以了。
