在每行两列的每个单元格中添加 1,直到到达空白单元格 - Google 电子表格

我要做的只是将 1 添加到一系列单元格中,直到它到达空白单元格。我也从另一个单元格范围减去 1,直到它到达空白单元格。我目前已经单独对每个单元格进行了溺爱,但是带有数据的单元格数量发生了变化,因此并不实用。


function Calculations() {
//Week Number & Week Pay
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
var currVal=s.getRange("C2").getValue()
var plusVal= currVal +1
s.getRange("C2") .setValue(plusVal)
var currVal=s.getRange("B2").getValue()
var minusVal= currVal -1
s.getRange("B2") .setValue(minusVal)
var currVal=s.getRange("C3").getValue()
var plusVal= currVal +1
s.getRange("C3") .setValue(plusVal)
var currVal=s.getRange("B3").getValue()
var minusVal= currVal -1
s.getRange("B3") .setValue(minusVal)
var currVal=s.getRange("C4").getValue()
var plusVal= currVal +1
s.getRange("C4") .setValue(plusVal)
var currVal=s.getRange("B4").getValue()
var minusVal= currVal -1
s.getRange("B4") .setValue(minusVal)

我发现在获取单元格位置(范围(时只使用数字更容易,而不是使用 A1 或 R1C1 表示法。

递增循环末尾的行号。 循环将迭代包含数据的最大行数,如果找到空单元格,它将中断。

function Calculations() {
//Week Number & Week Pay
var currVal,i,L,lastRow,minusVal,plusVal,ss,sh,theColumn,theRng,theRow;
ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();//Get the active spreadsheet
sh = ss.getSheetByName("Money");//Get a sheet tab by name
lastRow = sh.getLastRow();//Get the number of the last row with data
L = lastRow;
theRow = 2;//Start in row 2
for (i=0;i<L;i++) {//Loop as many times as there is number of rows with data
theColumn = 3;//Column C
theRng = sh.getRange(theRow,theColumn);//Get the range which is one cell
currVal = theRng.getValue();//Get the value in one cell
//Logger.log('currVal: ' + currVal);
if (!currVal) {//If there is a blank cell then
break;//quit the loop
plusVal= currVal +1;
theColumn = 2;//Column B
theRng = sh.getRange(theRow,theColumn);
currVal = theRng.getValue();
minusVal = currVal - 1;
if (!currVal) {//If there is a blank cell then
break;//quit the loop
theRow = theRow + 1;//Increment to the next row
}catch(e) {
Logger.log('message: ' + e.message);
Logger.log('stack: ' + e.stack);
