如何将请求标头添加到 vlcMobilePlayer

就像发送 HTTP 请求一样。

来自 https://wiki.videolan.org/VLC_command-line_help/

HTTPS input (access)
      --http-continuous, --no-http-continuous 
                                 Continuous stream
                                 (default disabled)
          Keep reading a resource that keeps being updated.
      --http-forward-cookies, --no-http-forward-cookies 
                                 Cookies forwarding
                                 (default enabled)
          Forward cookies across HTTP redirections.
      --http-referrer=<string>   Referrer
          Provide the referral URL, i.e. HTTP "Referer" (sic).
      --http-user-agent=<string> User agent
          Override the name and version of the application as provided to the
          HTTP server, i.e. the HTTP "User-Agent". Name and version must be
          separated by a forward slash, e.g. "FooBar/1.2.3".

您可以在调用相当于 libvlc_new 的 MobileVLCKit 时通过 MobileVLCKit 向 libvlc 提供这些 CLI 参数。


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