C语言 printf %f 分段错误


if (x1 < 0 || y1 < 0) {
    // Vertical lign outside of layer
    if (dx == 0 && y1 < 0) {
        return GKIT_NOERR;
    float m = dy / dx;
    float t = y1 - m * x1;
    float x = -t / m;
    float y = m * x + t;
    printf("Hello %s. You are %f years old.n", "Niklas", y);


    int val = (int) y;
    printf("Hello %s. You are %d years old.n", "Niklas", val);



// coding: ascii
// author: Niklas Rosenstein
// e-mail: rosensteinniklas@googlemail.com
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gkit/defines.h"
#include "gkit/utils.h"
#include "gkit/graphicslayer.h"
#define SWAP_IF_NECCESSARY(x1, y1, x2, y2)  
    if (x2 < x1 && y2 < y1) {               
        int temp = x2;                      
        x2 = x1;                            
        x1 = temp;                          
        temp = y2;                          
        y2 = y1;                            
        y1 = temp;                          
/* Based on Bresenhams line algorithm. */
int gk_GraphicsLayer_drawLine(gk_GraphicsLayer* layer, gk_Color* color,
                              int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
                              gk_ColorBlendProc blend, gk_float opacity) {
    SWAP_IF_NECCESSARY(x1, y1, x2, y2);
    float dx = x2 - x1;
    float dy = y2 - y1;
    float cx = x1;
    float cy = y1;
    // Figure out where to start in case x1 or y1 are outside of the layer.
    if (x1 < 0 || y1 < 0) {
        // Vertical lign outside of layer
        if (dx == 0 && y1 < 0) {
            return GKIT_NOERR;
        // The function's slope (m)
        // ------------------------
        float m = dy / dx;

        // Find the y-axis intersection (t)
        // -------------------------------
        // y = mx + t   =>
        // y - mx = t
        float t = y1 - m * x1;
        // Compute the root of the function (N)
        // ------------------------------------
        // 0 = mx + t   =>
        // mx = -t      =>
        // x = -t / m
        float x = -t / m;
        float y = m * x + t;
        printf("Hello %s. You are %f years old.n", "Niklas", y);

    int incx = GKIT_SIGNUM(dx);
    int incy = GKIT_SIGNUM(dy);
    if (dx < 0) { dx = -dx; }
    if (dy < 0) { dy = -dy; }
    int pdx, pdy;
    int ddx, ddy;
    int es, el;
    ddx = incx;
    ddy = incy;
    if (dx > dy) {
        pdx = incx;
        pdy = 0;
        es = dy;
        el = dx;
    else {
        pdx = 0;
        pdy = incy;
        es = dx;
        el = dy;
    float err = el / 2.0;
    #define SET_PIXEL(x, y) 
        do { 
        gk_Color* c = GKIT_GRAPHICSLAYER_ACCESSPIXEL(layer, (int)x, (int)y); 
        if (blend != Null) {                
            gk_Color t = *c;                
            blend(color, &t, c, opacity);   
        else {                              
            *c = *color;                    
        } } while (0)
    SET_PIXEL(cx, cy);
    int t;
    for (t=0; t < el; t++) {
        err -= es;
        if (err < 0) {
            err += el;
            cx += ddx;
            cy += ddy;
        else {
            cx += pdx;
            cy += pdy;
        SET_PIXEL(cx, cy);
    #undef SET_PIXEL
    return GKIT_NOERR;


#0 0xb7e68cb0   ___printf_fp(fp=0xb7fc3a20, info=0xbffff684, args=0xbffff6f8) (printf_fp.c:844)
#1 0xb7e63ab0   _IO_vfprintf_internal(s=0xb7fc3a20, format=<optimized out>, ap=0xbffff750 "01") (vfprintf.c:1623)
#2 0xb7e6cc2f   __printf(format=0x8049da0 "Hello %s. You are %f years old.n") (printf.c:35)
#3 0x8049143    gk_GraphicsLayer_drawLine(layer=0x804d008, color=0xbffff810, x1=-20, y1=-10, x2=49, y2=200, blend=0, opacity=0) (/home/niklas/git/c-gkit/gkit/graphicslayer.c:180)
#4 0x8049ba4    test_drawLine() (/home/niklas/git/c-gkit/main.c:46)
#5 0x8049c80    main() (/home/niklas/git/c-gkit/main.c:68)

编辑:请注意,printf()将其放在if子句之后或之前时确实有效。 即类似的东西

    printf("Foo: %fn", 1.0);
    // Figure out where to start in case x1 or y1 are outside of the layer.
    if (x1 < 0 || y1 < 0) {
        // Vertical lign outside of layer
        if (dx == 0 && y1 < 0) {
            return GKIT_NOERR;

确实有效,但是在 if 子句移动printf()会产生分段错误。



if (True) { printf("%f", 53.3); }


if (x1 < 0 || y1 < 0) { printf("%f", 53.3); }
// nor
if (x1 < 0) { printf("%f", 53.3); }
// nor
int x_smaller = x1 < 0;
if (x_smaller) { printf("%f", 53.3); }


int x_smaller = x1 < 0;
int y_smaller = y1 < 0;
x_smaller = y_smaller = 1;
if (x_smaller || y_smaller) { printf("%f", 53.3); }

结论:在if子句中x1 < 0y1 < 0测试的操作的结果使printf()失败。问题是:

  1. 达福克?为什么会这样?
  2. 我该如何解决它?

如果您对整个代码感兴趣,我不介意分享它。它在github上。这是一个代码::块项目。唯一的包含路径必须是 gkit 文件夹的父目录。




在这种情况下,我接下来会尝试将您的浮点数设置为已知值(例如:1.0 ),就在printf之前。可能是你的printf有一个关于你碰巧在那里的一些奇怪值的错误。

如果这有效(打印1.0),那么我的下一步将是尝试打印该变量中的位。对于 C,这可能是将格式更改为 %x 并将参数更改为类似 *((unsigned int *)(&y))


  • 将损坏的代码片段移动到独立的"main"中,然后(假设它有效)添加代码,直到它中断。
  • 从现有代码中注释掉代码,直到找到使其工作的内容。



这也解释了为什么在 if 子句(错误出现的位置)之后退出函数可以修复段错误。这是因为它阻止了函数访问它不应该访问的内存。



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