

0 25 8 8 9

51 27 9 8

9 825 7 8

8 82 2 29

9 7 6 327

8 8 6 5 3 5




您的图形将是G = (V,E),其中V = { (i,j) | (i,j) is a possible index) }[网格中的所有正方形]和E = { (v,u) | v and u are adjacent vertices on the grid }
您还需要边上的加权函数w:E->N。它将是CCD_ 5[与CCD_。






private static int FindMin(int[,] indexWeights, Tuple<int, int> src, Tuple<int, int> dst)
    List<Node> allNodes = new List<Node>(indexWeights.GetLength(0)*indexWeights.GetLength(1));
    Node[,] graph = GenerateGraph(indexWeights, allNodes);
    Queue<Node> queue = new Queue<Node>();
    Node currentNode = graph[src.Item1, src.Item2];
    // 0 ? or the weight value at the index? This was not too clear from your example
    // Setting the starting distance to 0 means that a->b != b->a because the starting value
    // at index b is not the same as the starting value at index a
    currentNode.Distance = indexWeights[src.Item1, src.Item2];
    while (queue.Count > 0)
        currentNode = queue.Dequeue();
        currentNode.Visited = true;
        if (currentNode.XCoord == dst.Item1 && currentNode.YCoord == dst.Item2)
        // Calculate tentative distances
        foreach (Node neighbor in currentNode.Neighbors)
            neighbor.Distance = Math.Min(neighbor.Distance,
                                         currentNode.Distance + indexWeights[neighbor.XCoord, neighbor.YCoord]);
        // Find the node with the minimum distance that hasn't been visited, and visit that next. 
        // A min-heap would be BEST for getting the next node, but I'll leave that as an exercise for you
        Node nonVisitedMinNode = allNodes.Where(a => !a.Visited)
            .Aggregate((currMin, currNode) => currMin.Distance < currNode.Distance ? currMin : currNode);
    return graph[dst.Item1, dst.Item2].Distance;
public class Node
    public Node(int xCoord, int yCoord)
        XCoord = xCoord;
        YCoord = yCoord;
        Distance = int.MaxValue;
        Visited = false;
        Neighbors = new List<Node>();
    public int XCoord { get; set; }
    public int YCoord { get; set; }
    public int Distance { get; set; }
    public bool Visited { get; set; }
    public List<Node> Neighbors { get; set; }
public static Node[,] GenerateGraph(int[,] weight, List<Node> allNodes)
    Node[,] nodes = new Node[weight.GetLength(0),weight.GetLength(1)];
    for (int i = 0; i < weight.GetLength(0); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < weight.GetLength(1); j++)
            nodes[i, j] = new Node(i, j);
            allNodes.Add(nodes[i, j]);
    // Couldn't think of a way to combine the two loops together to set neighbors
    for (int i = 0; i < weight.GetLength(0); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < weight.GetLength(1); j++)
            if (0 <= (i - 1))
                nodes[i, j].Neighbors.Add(nodes[i - 1, j]);
            if (weight.GetLength(0) > (i + 1))
                nodes[i, j].Neighbors.Add(nodes[i + 1, j]);
            if (0 <= (j - 1))
                nodes[i, j].Neighbors.Add(nodes[i, j - 1]);
            if (weight.GetLength(1) > (j + 1))
                nodes[i, j].Neighbors.Add(nodes[i, j + 1]);
    return nodes;




  • 将2D数组转换为图形,并在Source和Destination节点之间运行算法
  • 以某种方式表示每个单元格,这样您就可以运行算法,而无需将其转换为图形


//Controls the size of your 2D array. Made static for simplicity. Can be allocated dynamically.
#define MAX_NODES 10
/* Your 2D Point Structure. Stores information of each cell of your 2D array */
typedef struct Point
    int x, y;    //x and y co-ordinate of your point
    int cost;    //Cell's actual cost
    int cost_from_src;     //Cell's cost from the Source node. This gets updated when algorithm runs
    unsigned int visited;    //Keeps track of nodes that have been popped out of the Queue
    struct Point *par;     //Keeps track of Parent Node
}Point_t, *Point_p;
/* 2D array of Point structure */
Point_t adjMArr[MAX_NODES][MAX_NODES];
/* Finds SP in Weighted 2D-Matrix */
Point_p SPDijkstra(Point_t src, Point_t dest)
    Queue_p q = NULL; // You can use your own implementation of a Queue
    // Source is initially put into the Queue
    adjMArr[src.x][src.y].cost_from_src = 0;
    adjMArr[src.x][src.y].par = NULL;
    q = push(q, adjMArr[src.x][src.y]);
    while (!isEmpty(q))
        Point_t pt = extractMin(q); // Get the point with minimum value of "cost_from_src" from the Queue
        int x = pt.x, y = pt.y, new_cost, i;
        adjMArr[x][y].visited = 1;
        q = deleteQ(q, pt); // Delete this point from the Queue and mark it as visited. This point will not be visited again
        if (dest.x == x && dest.y == y)
            return &adjMArr[x][y]; // Destination Point
        /*Check for all the neighbours of Point(x,y) and update the costs of its neighbours add them to the Queue*/
        // Horizontal Left
        if ((x - 1 >= 0) && y < MAX_NODES && !adjMArr[x - 1][y].visited)
            new_cost = adjMArr[x][y].cost_from_src + adjMArr[x - 1][y].cost;
            if (new_cost < adjMArr[x - 1][y].cost_from_src)
                adjMArr[x - 1][y].cost_from_src = new_cost;
                /* To keep track of parent so that once you reach the destination node, you can traverse all the way back to parent */
                adjMArr[x - 1][y].par = &adjMArr[x][y];
                q = push(q, adjMArr[x - 1][y]);
        // Horizontal Right
        if ((x + 1 < MAX_NODES) && y < MAX_NODES && !adjMArr[x + 1][y].visited)
            new_cost = adjMArr[x][y].cost_from_src + adjMArr[x + 1][y].cost;
            if (new_cost < adjMArr[x + 1][y].cost_from_src)
                adjMArr[x + 1][y].cost_from_src = new_cost;
                adjMArr[x + 1][y].par = &adjMArr[x][y];
                q = push(q, adjMArr[x + 1][y]);
        // Vertical Up
        if ((y - 1 >= 0) && x < MAX_NODES && !adjMArr[x][y - 1].visited)
            new_cost = adjMArr[x][y].cost_from_src + adjMArr[x][y - 1].cost;
            if (new_cost < adjMArr[x][y - 1].cost_from_src)
                adjMArr[x][y - 1].cost_from_src = new_cost;
                adjMArr[x][y - 1].par = &adjMArr[x][y];
                q = push(q, adjMArr[x][y - 1]);
        // Vertical Down
        if ((y + 1 < MAX_NODES) && x < MAX_NODES && !adjMArr[x][y + 1].visited)
            new_cost = adjMArr[x][y].cost_from_src + adjMArr[x][y + 1].cost;
            if (new_cost < adjMArr[x][y + 1].cost_from_src)
                adjMArr[x][y + 1].cost_from_src = new_cost;
                adjMArr[x][y + 1].par = &adjMArr[x][y];
                q = push(q, adjMArr[x][y + 1]);
    return NULL; // No path exists
