
我是一个新的Java程序员,我试图实现一种方法来检查我的对象" feature vector"中两个"特征"阵列之间的平等性似乎真的很基本,但是该方法由于某种原因无法使用。它没有产生逻辑结果,我似乎找不到解决方案,请帮助

public boolean equals (FeatureVector x )
    boolean result =false ; 
    boolean size = false ;
    for (int i =0 ; (i < this.features.length && result == true );i ++  )
        if (this.features[i] == x.features[i] ) {result = true ;}
        else {result = false ; }
    if (this.features.length == x.features.length ) {size = true ;}
    else {size =false; }
    return (result && size) ; 

初始代码中的错误将 result初始化为 false。这导致循环在第一次比较之前立即退出。

请注意,将布尔值与 truefalse进行比较,认为这是最不可能的练习。充其量是多余的。在最坏的情况下,您可能会创建一个难以发现的错误:

if (some_value = false) {  // DON'T do this -- it's always false!

我在此之前提出了建议,如果您绝对必须 ,也许是由于未诊断的心理状况或技术领导者确实应该真正从事管理,请使用YODA条件来保护自己:

if (false == some_value) {  // Syntax error, a single "=" will create.


public boolean equals (FeatureVector x) {
  // Do the "cheapest" test first, so you have an opportunity to return
  // without waiting for the loop to run.
  if (this.features.length != x.features.length) {
     return false;
  // There's no need to "accumulate" the results of each comparison
  // because  you can return immediately when a mismatch is detected.
  for (int i = 0; i < this.features.length; i++) {
    if (this.features[i] != x.features[i]) {
      return false;
  return true;


您还应该在知道有区别的情况下立即返回false - 同样,继续进行循环的唯一原因是,如果您认为您可以返回true


public boolean equals (FeatureVector x )
    if (this.features.length != x.features.length ) {
        return false;
    // If we get here, the sizes are the same:
    for (int i = 0 ; i < this.features.length ; i++)
        if (this.features[i] != x.features[i] ) {
            return false;
    // If we got here, the sizes are the same, and all elements are also the same:
    return true; 


public boolean equals (FeatureVector x )
     * Check for the length first, if the lengths don't match then
     * you don't have to bother checking each elements. Saves time!
    if (this.features.length != x.features.length) return false;
    for (int i =0 ; i < this.features.length; i++) {
         * As soon as you find a mismatching element, return out of the
         * loop and method, no need to keep checking. Saves time!
        if (this.features[i] != x.features[i]) return false;
    // If the logic makes it this far, then all elements are equal
    return true;
