
我在并行模式下使用GNU xargs(版本4.2.2),当重定向到一个文件时,我似乎可靠地失去了输出。当重定向到管道时,它似乎工作正常。


# generate numbers 1 to 2550 where each number is on its own line
$ seq 1 2550 > /tmp/nums
$ wc -l /tmp/nums
2550 /tmp/nums
# piping to wc is accurate: 26 lines, 2550 args
$ xargs -P20 -n 100 </tmp/nums | wc
     26    2550   11643
# redirecting to a file is clearly inaccurate: 22 lines, 2150 args
$ xargs -P20 -n 100 </tmp/nums >/tmp/out; wc /tmp/out
     22  2150 10043 /tmp/out




# appending to file
$ >/tmp/out
$ xargs -P20 -n 100 </tmp/nums >>/tmp/out; wc /tmp/out
     26    2550   11643
# creating and appending to file
$ rm /tmp/out
$ xargs -P20 -n 100 </tmp/nums >>/tmp/out; wc /tmp/out
     26    2550   11643


parallel perl -e '$a="1{}"x10000000;print $a,"\n"' '>' {} ::: a b c d e f
ls -l a b c d e f
parallel -kP4 -n1 grep 1 > out.par ::: a b c d e f
echo a b c d e f | xargs -P4 -n1 grep 1 > out.xargs-unbuf
echo a b c d e f | xargs -P4 -n1 grep --line-buffered 1 > out.xargs-linebuf
echo a b c d e f | xargs -n1 grep 1 > out.xargs-serial
ls -l out*
md5sum out*

解决方案是缓冲每个作业的输出——要么在内存中,要么在tmpfiles中(就像GNU Parallel那样)。

我知道这个问题是关于xargs的,但是如果你一直对它有问题,那么也许GNU Parallel可能会有所帮助。您的xargs调用将转换为:

$ < /tmp/nums parallel -j20 -N100 echo > /tmp/out; wc /tmp/out
26  2550 11643 /tmp/out
