




    var i = 1
    var s = 1
    //Add code for Tier display
        var tierStr="<DIV ID='divTier"+i+"' style='width: 400px; border:2px dotted #0099CC; padding: 5px;'>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "<INPUT TYPE='text' size='20' NAME='inputName"+i+"' ID='inputName"+i+"' VALUE='"+ $('#NewTierName').val()+ "'></INPUT>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "<INPUT TYPE='text' ID='Tier"+i+"' NAME='Tier"+i+"' CLASS='tierScore"+i+"' VALUE='30' SIZE='2' MAXLENGTH='3' DISABLED></INPUT>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "<INPUT TYPE='button' ID='btnUpTier"+i+"' CLASS='upTier' VALUE='+'></INPUT>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "<INPUT TYPE='button' ID='btnDownTier"+i+"' CLASS='dwnTier' VALUE='-'></INPUT>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE='button' ID='btnAddSkill"+i+"' CLASS='btnAddSkill' VALUE='Add Skill'></INPUT>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "</DIV><p/>"
    //End Tier display
    }); //This is the issue. Closing the code block here prevents the next code block from executing. I can move this to the end, but that creates and unacceptable dependency.
//Add code for Skill display
//make sure there are enough Skill Points
if(parseFloat($('#SkillPts').val()) < 1){
        alert("You don't have enough skill points.")
//find the name of the div and strip out 'div' to leave the tier name
var tier = ($(this).parent('div').attr('id'));
    tier = tier.replace("div","");
    var skillStr="<br/> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <INPUT TYPE='text' size='20' ID='skillName"+i+"' VALUE=''></INPUT>"
    skillStr=skillStr + "<INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='Skill"+s+"' ID='Skill"+s+"' CLASS='skill"+tier+"' VALUE='' SIZE='2' MAXLENGTH='3' DISABLED></INPUT>"
    skillStr=skillStr + "<INPUT TYPE='button' ID='btnUpSkill"+s+"' CLASS='upSkill' VALUE='+'></INPUT>"
    skillStr=skillStr + "<INPUT TYPE='button' ID='btnDownSkill"+s+"' CLASS='dwnSkill' VALUE='-'></INPUT>"
//append this to the div associated with the appropriate Tier for display
//find the name of the div and strip out 'div' to leave the tier name
var tier = ($(this).parent('div').attr('id'));
    tier = tier.replace("div","");
//Find the skill's Tier Score, add 5        
//Decrease the available Skill Points by 1
//End Skill display
}); //...and so on...

如前所述,我期望#AddTopTier事件的闭包允许. btnaddskill事件执行,但这没有发生。


首先,您必须了解事件绑定的工作原理。事件将根据页面元素加载后提供的选择器绑定到元素,因为我们在文档准备处理程序中编写了它。在此期间(在元素加载之后),如果没有找到与选择器匹配的元素,那么该事件处理程序将毫无用处。这就是您的情况,您将事件绑定到将在将来添加的元素。所以你的代码不能工作。在这种情况下,您必须使用event delegation来绑定事件。它在引擎盖下使用事件冒泡来触发事件。这将是一个更大的故事,如果我开始写完整的事件委托在这里。所以请在这里阅读。



    var i = 1
    var s = 1
    //Add code for Tier display
        var tierStr="<DIV ID='divTier"+i+"' style='width: 400px; border:2px dotted #0099CC; padding: 5px;'>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "<INPUT TYPE='text' size='20' NAME='inputName"+i+"' ID='inputName"+i+"' VALUE='"+ $('#NewTierName').val()+ "'></INPUT>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "<INPUT TYPE='text' ID='Tier"+i+"' NAME='Tier"+i+"' CLASS='tierScore"+i+"' VALUE='30' SIZE='2' MAXLENGTH='3' DISABLED></INPUT>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "<INPUT TYPE='button' ID='btnUpTier"+i+"' CLASS='upTier' VALUE='+'></INPUT>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "<INPUT TYPE='button' ID='btnDownTier"+i+"' CLASS='dwnTier' VALUE='-'></INPUT>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE='button' ID='btnAddSkill"+i+"' CLASS='btnAddSkill' VALUE='Add Skill'></INPUT>"
            tierStr=tierStr + "</DIV><p/>"
    //End Tier display
    //Add code for Skill display
    $("#Contents").on( "click", ".btnAddSkill", function( event ) {
    //make sure there are enough Skill Points
    if(parseFloat($('#SkillPts').val()) < 1){
            alert("You don't have enough skill points.")
    //find the name of the div and strip out 'div' to leave the tier name
    var tier = ($(this).parent('div').attr('id'));
        tier = tier.replace("div","");
        var skillStr="<br/> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <INPUT TYPE='text' size='20' ID='skillName"+i+"' VALUE=''></INPUT>"
        skillStr=skillStr + "<INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='Skill"+s+"' ID='Skill"+s+"' CLASS='skill"+tier+"' VALUE='' SIZE='2' MAXLENGTH='3' DISABLED></INPUT>"
        skillStr=skillStr + "<INPUT TYPE='button' ID='btnUpSkill"+s+"' CLASS='upSkill' VALUE='+'></INPUT>"
        skillStr=skillStr + "<INPUT TYPE='button' ID='btnDownSkill"+s+"' CLASS='dwnSkill' VALUE='-'></INPUT>"
    //append this to the div associated with the appropriate Tier for display
    //find the name of the div and strip out 'div' to leave the tier name
    var tier = ($(this).parent('div').attr('id'));
        tier = tier.replace("div","");
    //Find the skill's Tier Score, add 5        
    //Decrease the available Skill Points by 1
    //End Skill display
//*****Tier Adjustments*****
    //Increase Tier scores
    $("#Contents").on( "click", ".upTier", function( event ) {
    //strip out 'btnUp' from the button name, leaving the Tier name
    var tier = (this.id.replace('btnUp',""));
    //make sure there are enough Skill Points
    //Determine the high skill penalty
        function upSkillMod(currVal){
            var tierMod
            var currVal = parseFloat(currVal)
                if(currVal == 50 || currVal == 55 || currVal == 60){
                    tierMod = 2
                else if(currVal == 65 || currVal == 70){
                    tierMod = 3
                else if (currVal > 70){
                    tierMod = 4
                    tierMod = 1
                return tierMod
    //Update the skill points to reflect 2 per tier, plus high skill penalty
        var oldScore = parseFloat($('.upTier').siblings('#'+tier).val())
        var newTierScore = parseFloat(2 * (upSkillMod(oldScore)))
        var currPts = parseFloat($('#SkillPts').val())
        if(currPts > newTierScore || currPts == newTierScore){
            newTierScore = currPts - newTierScore
            //add 5 to the old value, display value
            var newScore = oldScore + 5
            //increase any Skills which may be under the Tier
                //extract the name
                skillNum = $(this).prop('name')
                    var currVal = parseFloat($('#'+skillNum).val()) + 5;
                    alert("You don't have enough skill points.")    
    //Decrease Skill Points by 2 points times skillMod
        function upSkillMod(currVal){
            var tierMod
            var currVal = parseFloat(currVal)
                if(currVal == 55 || currVal == 60 || currVal == 65){
                        tierMod = 2
                    else if(currVal == 70 || currVal == 75){
                        tierMod = 3
                    else if (currVal > 70){
                        tierMod = 4
                        tierMod = 1
                    return tierMod
        //Update the skill points to reflect 2 per tier, plus high skill penalty
        var oldScore = parseFloat($('.upTier').siblings('#'+tier).val())
        var newScore = oldScore - 5
        var newTierScore = parseFloat(2 * (upSkillMod(newScore)))
            newTierScore = parseFloat(($('#SkillPts').val())) - newTierScore
    //Decrease Tier scores
    $("#Contents").on( "click", ".dwnTier", function( event ) {
        //strip out 'btnDown' from the button name, leaving the Tier name
        var tier = (this.id.replace('btnDown',""));
        //make sure that the score does not go below 25
        if($('.dwnTier').siblings('#'+tier).val() <= 25){
                alert("Tiers cannot be taken below 25.")
            //get the value of the related tier and add 5, display value
            var newScore = parseFloat($('.upTier').siblings('#'+tier).val()) - 5    
            //increase any Skills which may be under the Tier
                    //extract the name
                    skillNum = $(this).prop('name')
                    var currVal = parseFloat($('#'+skillNum).val()) - 5;
            //Decrease the available Skill Points by 2 points times skillMod
            function dwnSkillMod(currVal){
                var tierMod
                        var currVal = parseFloat(currVal)
                            if(currVal == 50 || currVal == 55 || currVal == 60){
                                tierMod = 2
                            else if(currVal == 65 || currVal == 70){
                                tierMod = 3
                            else if (currVal > 70){
                                tierMod = 4
                                tierMod = 1
                            return tierMod
        //Update the skill points to reflect 2 per tier, plus high skill penalty
        var newTierScore = parseFloat(2 * (dwnSkillMod(newScore)))
            newTierScore = parseFloat(($('#SkillPts').val())) + newTierScore
//*****Skill Adjustments*****
    //Increase Skill scores
    $("#Contents").on( "click", ".upSkill", function( event ) {
        //strip out 'btnUp' from the button name, leaving the Skill name
        var skill = (this.id.replace('btnUp',""));
        //make sure there are enough Skill Points
//!!!Need to validate points versus total cost
    //make sure there are enough Skill Points
    //Determine the high skill penalty
        function upSkillMod(currVal){
            var skillMod
            var currVal = parseFloat(currVal)
                if(currVal == 50 || currVal == 55 || currVal == 60){
                    skillMod = 2
                else if(currVal == 65 || currVal == 70){
                    skillMod = 3
                else if (currVal > 70){
                    skillMod = 4
                    skillMod = 1
                return skillMod
    //Update the skill points to reflect 2 per tier, plus high skill penalty
        var oldScore = parseFloat($('.upSkill').siblings('#'+skill).val())
        var newSkillScore = parseFloat(1 * (upSkillMod(oldScore)))
        var currPts = parseFloat($('#SkillPts').val())

        if(currPts > newSkillScore || currPts == newSkillScore){
            newSkillScore = currPts - newSkillScore
                    //add 5 to the old value, display value
                    var newScore = oldScore + 5
                    alert("You don't have enough skill points.")    
    //Decrease Skill scores
    $("#Contents").on( "click", ".dwnSkill", function( event ) {
        //strip out 'btnDown' from the button name, leaving the Skill name
        var skill = (this.id.replace('btnDown',""));
//!!!Validate to make sure the skills do not drop below associated tier 
  var skillComp = $('.dwnSkill').siblings('#'+skill).val();
  var tierName = "#Tier"+(this.id.replace('btnDownSkill',""));
  var tierComp = $(tierName).val()
    if (skillComp <= 30){
                alert("Skills cannot be taken below 30.")
        else if (skillComp - 5 == tierComp){
            alert("Skills cannot drop equal to or lower than the Tier.")
                //get the value of the related tier and add 5, display value        
                $('.dwnSkill').siblings('#'+skill).val(parseFloat($('.dwnSkill').siblings('#'+skill).val()) - 5);
                //Increase the available Skill Points by 1
//  }); 


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